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I am Alexander John Mcilwraith.
I am 19.
I am a mixed blood.
A mix of British and Malay blood.
Friends either call me Alex, Zander or Alexander.
Mainly, People know me as Zander or they either call me that.
Life for me has its ups and downs but I am doing good at the moment.
I love making new friends but I hate losing friends.
I am happy with the friends I have now but I will love to have more.
I will not change me for you unless you have a God damn good reason.
I am the drummer of my band.
I listen to screamo,hardcore,heavy metal,thrashcore, grindcore and experimental music.
I so hate boy bands.
I speak 5 different languages.
I speak English,Chinese,Malay, French and a bit of German.
I am usually seen with the colour black on me and most of the time with a head gear on me.
I drink but I don't smoke.
I love my family like I love water.
I love my friends like I love food.
If you love me then,Thank You.
If you hate me then, Fuck You.
You have to See Me, Hear Me and Speak to Me in order to know About Me.
Wakane fooly goody woody cooly wooly jolly holly baby!