Tabitha Ashley. profile picture

Tabitha Ashley.

About Me

I love being Tabitha Ashley. I'm far from perfect but I still love myself. I couldn't have it any other way. God has blessed me with a mother like no other and a family that I can truly call my family. I am thankful for both the good and bad experiences that have crossed my path in life. They have made me the person I am today.

"I ain't gotta knock on wood
to tell ya'll that I got it so good."

Some dreams stay dreams some dreams come true.

My Interests

family, spencer (my pomeranian), true friends, Hello Kitty, BAPE, Nike, MAC, bags, basically spending 24/7/365, la isla del encanto, cultures, traveling, good grades, math, accesories, manicures, double chocolate chip frapuccinos, passion tea, iced coffee, fruits, mail, range rovers, perfumes, dogs, languages, peace signs, faith, anne geddes, the dog, & ofcourse

I'd like to meet:



hip hop, freestyle, reggaeton


Disney, that's about it.


OG Nickelodeon, VH1, MTV, MTV2, MTV Tres...


He's Really Not That Into You


The one and only Dalys Omaira.