About Me
Hey, Andy here...I'm a musician and software
developer here in Rochester, NY, USA.
Some of you might know me as the
keyboard player with rock vocal legend
Lou Gramm, we're heading into our fifth
year with this version of the band. Just signed with
Spectra Records and APA Agency, so 2008 is gearing up
to be a great year for the band!
UPDATE 08-08-07 Work on the last few songs for the
new Lou Gramm album is underway.
UPDATE 08-08-08 (Note the date above...) The final mixes
are being assembled, approved by Lou and are being sent out for
mastering any day now...
didn't exactly break any speed records on this one folks! :-)
Seriously, it was a long time in the making but the end
result is a very representative and broad collection of
styles with everyone's input throughout. It seems to cover
everything from hard rock to production pieces to a few
radio-type rock tunes that are sure to stick in your head.
Aside from the ever-present Lou Gramm Band obligations,
I keep busy performing live with other projects, songwriting,
recording and I enjoy composing instrumental, electronic and
orchestral type music as well.
When not touring, I occasionally find myself
writing music for TV and radio ads (a shout out to
Greg Wik and the gang over at
Push Music and Post ), and am pursuing a career in Film/TV music with some luck and hard work. I also enjoy developing software
using Flash, and am currently digging into the
nuts and bolts of the programming language behind
the snazzy graphics.
My actual web site is
andyknoll.com, there is a lot more info there and links
to my music, video clips, Lou Gramm Band,
and my music production company
ImpactMedia .
Nice seeing you all out there over the past few years
and I'll try my best to get regular updates posted.
See ya!
Andy "The Grassy" Knoll