CrossFit. Krav Maga. Kenpo Karate. Boxing. Kick Boxing. Reading, writing and SERIOUS coffee drinking. I think I might have an addiction. I really love to wander. Before my grandfather passed away he taught me not only the importance of, but also how to enjoy, walking, just to walk, with no particular destination, and no expected arrival time. I like picnics, and skinny dipping, and summer time, and the smell of fresh cut grass, and really hard work outs that you think will probably kill you, or least never allow your body to fully recover from. I like getting sweaty and there's about a million good ways I can think of to get that way. I like serving others and putting their needs ahead of my own. I love the smell of babies! I love to travel probably more than anything, and I really doubt I'll ever love a place more than I loved the Amazon River in Peru. I love modern art, and photography. I enjoy doodling and singing even though no one would ever hang my art work in their home, and I'll never make it to American Idol. I have a deep interest in cooking, though I don't do it much and I wonder if I'll ever create my own recipe for ANYTHING. I wish I had more tattoos and longer hair. I'd like a better job, and loft apartment somewhere, anywhere, though a large city would suit me well at this juncture in my life.
Any man who says he'll call, and then... actually DOES! Any girl who will sit and drink coffee with me all afternoon and let me talk about myself endlessly, because I'm a little bit selfish at times, and tend to monopolize a conversation. Any man who doesn't think having sex on a first date is a good idea. Any girl who doesn't ditch her friends because a new man is in her life. Any man who even though I swore I wouldn't sleep with on our first date, doesn't hold me to it after I change my mind. Any girl who won't call me a hypocrite even though I tell her to do as I say and not as I do. Any man who still believes in opening doors for a woman, pulling out chairs, and yes, taking care of the bill, the WHOLE bill, AND tip, on a date. Any girl who no matter how old she gets, still loves having sleepovers, painting her nails and watching chick flicks with her pals! Any man who can handle seeing me beat up a guy in a boxing ring, and crying over a Hallmark card the next day. Any girl who won't steal my awesome, calling, first date non-sex having, door opening, chair pulling out, paying, loves seeing me kick ass and cry boyfriend! Any man who will get along with my girl friends.
I love music, oh how I love music. I know it's totally a lyric from a 1960's song, but... "Do you believe in magic, in a young girl's heart, how the music can free her whenever it starts and it's magic, if the music is groovy, makes you feel happy like an old time movie..." Music DOES that to me! Anything. Rap can do that to me. Blues, Jazz... COUNTRY! Rock, Metal, Soul, of course, the Classics. I love music. There's something for every occasion, for what ever mood you're in, for whatever life you want to lead at that moment. The concerts I've been to, in order, are as follows: Bete Middler, N*SYNC, Metallica, Jack Johnson, The Rolling Stones, Rascall Flats, Gnarlys Barkley John Legand TOOL The Young Dubliners and, Third Day.
Ah yes, the motion picture industry. Delightful. Die Hard One and Three are my favorites, though I can accept and appreciate Two as an essential part of the Trilogy. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am that number Four is coming out in theaters this July. I tend to love indie films, GirlFright is my favorite. I have a soft spot for Closer. And what kind of a human being doesn't love anything and everything involving Will Ferrell? I like to laugh, maybe more than any person you've ever met in your life.
I don't have time to watch it. And honestly, can't we all agree there are better ways to spend our time? However, if I can't sleep, I do relish re-runs of CSI (all of them, though Miami is my favorite), and Law and Order (all of them, though SVU is my favorite). I also love America's Next Top Model re-runs (don't know why...) and all the baby shows on TLC. Really, anything on TLC. Miami Ink. Good Lord I could have Ami's children! Plus Myth Buster and anything and eveything on Bravo, especially Top Chef, Run Way, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and Inside the Actor's Studio. Also, if it's on A&E, I'll watch it. I love history.
Now THIS is a good question! The Human Zoo. The Gift of Fear. Living the Martial Way. A Million Little Pieces. Popcorn. Blast from the Past. Starting at Square One. Carrie Pilby. Hot and Bothered. The Bible. Bridge to Terabithia. In the Name of Sorrow and Peace. The list goes on and on and on... really, I would bore you. I love, love, love to read, and I hope the joy it brings me, never leaves me.
You mean besides the Marvel Comic kind? Basically anyone who has overcome great adversity. My mom, and dad, single parents everywhere, foster parents, writers and people who speak their mind. I don 't have to agree with you, but I will respect you if you tell the truth. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. even if he cheated on his wife, Malcolm X, even if the Black Panthers were a bit... extreme?  Oprah, come on, she's the Jesus Christ of our time, Doctors Without Borders, The USO, anyone, anywhere, who wears a uniform to work and carries a gun, the woman who turned me onto double tall sugar free vanilla breve lattes, Coach Greg Glassmen, his wife, people who pursue their passions even if it means giving up a lot of things they love.