Witch Works Is so looking forward to making some really great friends on here. Based out of the Deep South, USA. Yet... Welcome Worldwide! The purpose is to network together, for support, counseling, fun, and shared knowledge. This is a sacred space to share: Advice, Holistic Medicine, Spells, Beliefs, Brews, Ancient Myths, Chants, God, Goddess, Homeopathy, Kitchen Witch recipes, Nature Religions, Ritual Dancing, Christianity, Wiccan, Faerie Lore, Paganism, Druidism, Shamanism, Freemasonry, Enochian Magick, Egyptian Worship, Psychology, Wiccan, Magick, Purpose, Soul companions, Visualization, Meditation, Totem Animals, Aura, Power of Colors, Herbs, Holidays, Flowers, Aromatherapy, Chakras, Stones, Gems, Charms, Talismans, Amulets, essential oils, Elements, Moon Sabbaths, Craft, Tarot, Dreams, Rituals, Earthskills, Paranormal Investigation, Covens, Solitary, Crystals, Candles, The Wiccan Rede, Planets, Astrology, Astronomy, Horoscopes, Astral planes.... and beyond.
Here are some pictures of Montgomery's First Annual Witches Ball.
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