Recent work:
+ • • • Ray LaMontagne
+ • • • Ben Harper
+ • • • Eisley
+ • • • Karnivool
+ • • • Three5Human
+ • • • Tova Rinah & The Way Home
+ • • • WhiteWire
+ • • • Indigo Girls
+ • • • Brandi Carlisle
+ • • • Tori Amos
+ • • • Pink Floyd
+ • • • Fleetwood Mac
I basically just enjoy movies in general. Here is a list of films that I really enjoy and to which I have nostalgic attachments. You put any of these on and I'm going to be sitting and watching the entire thing:
Seven Samurai(Shichinin no samurai)
Dazed and Confused
Lord of the Rings: FotR|tTT|RotK
Dune|Children of Dune(SciFi Production)
Conan the Barbarian
Spirited Away
Better Off Dead
Real Genius
Sixteen Candles
Breakfast Club
Weird Science
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory(1971)
Dead Man
The Evil Dead
The Empire Strikes Back
A Chirstmas Story
Seriously, I don't watch television unless it's a movie on a cable network. I can't really afford premium cable movie channels and I don't have time to rent movies or use Netflicks. I'm very odd in that I really just enjoy being surprised by turning on the tv to find a cool movie already on or about to start. It's like occasionally using the radio in the car for music and you actually find a great song to listen to when your just driving around withthe window rolled down. I guess that comes from growing up in the late 70s, early 80s when we had HBO but no VCRs even. Again, I like to be surprised not have shit whenever I want it. I'd pay good money for a digital network that played nothing but movies non-stop of all eras and genres and you had no schedule or concept of what was going to be on when you flip to the channel.
Basically though I'm in front of a sketchbook, canvas or computer screen drawing or painting whenever possible.
Don't really have time for tv...except for [adultswim] of course.
Simple list here:
The Silmarillion by J.R.R.Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R.Tolkien
The Original Dune Series by Frank Herbert
The Chronicles of Corum by Micheal Moorcock
The Elric Series by Micheal Moorcock
A Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi
The Animators Survival Kit by Richard Williams
Linda Bergkvist
Jeremy Lipking
Jason Chan
James Jean
Andrew Jones
Gerald Brom
Mike May
Craig Mullins
James Ryman
Alan Tew
Ashley Wood
Justin Cherry
Niklas Jansson
Slab Bulkhead
Fridge Largemeat
Punt Speedchunk
Butch Deadlift
Bold Bigflank
Splint Chesthair
Flint Ironstag
Bolt Vanderhuge
Blast Hardcheese
Thick McRunfast
Buff Drinklots
Trunk Slamchest
Fist Rockbone
Stump Beefgnaw
Smash Lampjaw
Punch Rockgroin
Buck Plankchest
Stump Chunkman
Dirk Hardpeck
Rip Steakface
Slate Slabrock
Crud Bonemeal
Brick Hardmeat
Rip Sidecheek
Punch Sideiron
Gristle McThornBody
Slake Fistcrunch
Buff Hardback
Bob Johnson
Blast Thickneck
Crunch Buttsteak
Slab Squatthrust
Lump Beefrock
Touch Rustrod
Reef Blastbody
Big McLargeHuge
Smoke Manmuscle
Beat Punchbeef
Hack Blowfist
Roll Fizzlebeef!!!!111