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About Me

Hi guys my name is Possum I live in good old L-town(levittown..lol). Well I guess I should tell you guys a little about me so here it goes im currently the Ugliest/Dirtiest kid on long Island oh yea I almost forgot im also the Poorest here to try and make a few friends or even someone to talk to other then my dirty ass brother in my barn that I call my house. I’m currently infested with rabies do to the fact that I tried raping a fellow male possum. I tend to get my ass beat a lot so I am currently stalking the wisdom lane wrestling team so I could learn how to defend myself...well actually i just like touching other little boys then my brother. For some reason the other boys in my gym class that I try to check out in the locker room tend to also call me "GOLDDUST.'' I’m not sure why but I think it has to do with a black eye and a broken nose from one of my last beatings, well actually I had a double black eye but what’s the difference.so now that you no some what about me i might as well tell u iam gay. my little brother is proudly following in my foot steps and iam proud that he is doing so. i am finally proud to say that my brother is dirty and has long hair and is a fag and is also looks at kid in his gym class so we have something in commen.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

another possum , ron jeremy , and will smith.