wEll, iM jUSt sOmeonE tHAt liKEs hAviNG gOOd tiMEs, i likE tO gO ouT, lOVe mUSic, lOVe thE beACh. MmMm I liKE tO mEEt nEW pEOpLE, mAKe fRIENds.. SUre! aND wEll bAsiCally JusT tRy tO eNjOY wHAteVeR iT iS iM dOIng!! oH yEA i gEt a Lil tOO cRAzy suMtiMES, bUT thAts jUst mE..
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fUn, oPen-mIndEd pEoplE tO dO crAzY tHIngS wiThouT jUDgEmENT!! lol itS jUST vERy niCE tO hANg oUT wiTH cOOl pEOplE thAt liKe to hAvE fuN, nO mATTer wUT hOUr, plAcE oR siTuATioN! sO yEA...
dRuG-mUsik. i LOVE house!
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The only aphrodisiac I need is your voice Hearing you speak my name Beckoning me to answer Telling me you want me So I tell you that you're the answer to every question I've ever had about l... Posted by Marko on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 12:53:00 PST