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Myspace Graphics , Valentine's Day Graphics at WishAFriend.comPunderson, as previous poster noted, is a good place to start. It's in the middle of the area's snow belt and can sometimes have two feet when downtown Cleveland has nothing. That said, however, you can't count on snow at that time of year, either. Just a note because I don't want you to get your hopes too high. Last year, was the snowiest winter on record in Cleveland. More than 100 inches fell at the airport. The area around Punderson likely received twice that.I guess I should explain snow belt. When you look at a map, you'll see our area is borded by Lake Erie, the shallowest of the Great Lakes. The water acts as a sort of snow machine because the winds usually blow in from the west...scraping the moisture up off the water and dumping it--in the form of snow--on us. The further east you drive in Ohio, the worse it gets. Punderson hosts sled dog races most years because it reliably has snow. I don't know where your family will be staying, but the snow machine starts kicking up about Cleveland Heights/Euclid. You'll really notice a difference by the time you head past Willoughby. And then when you hit Painesville, fuggedabouddit. You'll be buried.***Family All Together Again for Christmas 2008....that was very special to me....here's a few pics:Living through some awesome, historical changes!!A much needed Getaway of my own!Made with My Cool Signs.NetMade with My Cool Signs.Net
Free MySpace Animations!I love life. I want my 50's to be full of life and love. I know where I stand on issues...am proud of things I chose to spend time on, and many jobs I've held. I'm proud of my three boys. I'm proud of my parents, may they rest in peace. I've had many!! challenges and I hope they have molded me into an interesting, complex, honest, loving person who can help others in this world....and be that special one to my special one. I am modern, yet old-fashioned, and do believe in the fairy tale of my knight in shining armour. I feel I am blessed to be alive, and would love to share it with someone with a similar outlook...one day in the future.
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BOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! to all you earthly spirits out there at the time of HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sandy Like The Beach....Peace, baby!
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I'm ready for that vacation. It's been a long time coming for my new look!!
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Happy Feet - My Way
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Experimenting with photo colorization! lol
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