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About Me

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what tuu say about this jigguh ? hes hella sike . but yuu all knoe dat right ? :) i met him in 7th grade at gay bonita . ;] and then we became hella close . and then eventually we went out . dat didnt last long but i got mad love him . and then he left me this year and his ass needs to come back right ? hes supposed to come to see me in 9th but is loser ass probably wont but wateverz . :) i rember 5th period when mrs caldwell would always get mad at yuu . and advisory when we would copy each other hw . and trade phone's . leting me use yuur jacket , the monsters , the dance's and valentines day . aw , valentines day was so cute . :) puting that bear in my locker was so sweet ! i still have that ! <-- that was like a flash back . :) well ima stop because i could go for every . mmkay . so take care and keep yuur head up . mmkay ? love yuu david . -heather♥

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