Family,my cars, I enjoy entering the local car shows and weekday cruise nites,I enjoy watching people{thats a kick}. I enjoy history,I like to think I am making my own history in some small way,either good or bad,I own it,I accept it one way or the other.I enjoy doing whatever strikes me at the moment as interesting and or sinfully fun.I enjoy working,I enjoy meeting new people,what more can I say.a href=" 9tL3RvbnlndWl0YXJfbWFu" target="_blank">
Not really a clue on this one!!!!!Not into FAMOUS,Well I lied, LOL,Really though, just good friends and people that are interesting and fun loving,and a joy to talk with.I'd just like to meet "real" people,living real lives, doing real things!!!
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Classic Rock and 80's hard rock The louder the better!!! However, I do listen to almost anything that is pleasing to the ear.My taste in music is all over the spectrum,I like what I like.However I'm still an ole "ROCKER" at heart.
ACTION,COMEDY and still enjoy cartoons.My grandson turned me on to Spongebob.
HISTORY,SPEED,DISCOVERY,SiFi CHANNELS.Mostly in the winter,when I don't want to be outside or at the pool.
MY DAD,MY MOM, my Son, Bill and daughter,Kristen and Christina who I accept as my daughter and God for blessing me with their love!!!!!!! And my grandkids are fast moving right up that ladder! a href="
9tL2FkZWxlc2lsdmFfXw=="> "href="
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