MomMy whY daD doeSn't cAll aiNt I DadDy's lil giRl thAt's whaT it sAid oN thE neCklacE hE boUght buT It seEms he doeSn't caRe aT alL a Few bLocks iT oNly taKes to sEe hIs daUghtEr bUt he doeSn't liKe yOu moMma caUse You tEll iT liKe iT Is bUt yOu nevA taLk sHit tO Me I'm nO lonGer thr3e i knOw hoW a dAd iS suPpose to Be, whAt iS hIs exCuseS riGht noW? iS hE waIting 'tilL i'M No lonGer a cHild so He coUld wAke uP & apOlogiZe.......