I Diamond Rachae' Anisha Seward plead guilty for loving who I am. For as long as I can remember, i've walked a completely dark path throughout the entirety of my life. Yeah sure, I've only lived through existence on this earth for 21 years, but as so much can happen in one day, millions of events can occur within 21 years.
I Diamond Rachae' Anisha Seward plead guilty for loving what I do. For as long as I can remember, I've made sounds with my voice, I've fought hard to get my point across, I've exprimented with my heart to find my peace and I've been placed on a path that fits me perfectly.
I am guilty of a lot of things, some are good and some are bad, but as I get older and continue to experience life, I've come to realize that I'm very guilty to all of the good things more so than the bad. You live, you learn, you progress.
I've accomplished a lot and I look forward to accomplishing even more. I wont stop until I've reached the top. I wont be satisfied until satisfaction has found me. I'm not hidding from satisfaction, but running towards just any kind of satisfaction can cause you to have just any kind of thing. I want eternal satisfaction and I know that faith will get me there.
I Diamond Rachae' Anisha Seward Plead Guilty of Being Guilty. I'M ONLY HUMAN, we have one of THEEEE hardest missions to complete. R.I.P. MICHAEL JOESEPH JACKSON I wont feel empty forever, I'll let the memories live on, what a legend!!! What an imprint! LOVE YOU MICHAEL!!!
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