Wus poppin myspace! Its da 1 n only *J.I.DubaZ.Ohhhhhh!* betta knwn az A-Jay 2 most! Ha! But uhh...if u readin dis odviously u wanna knw uh lil bit abt da kid so uhh les c! Wel im currently uh college student @ Pitt Community College! Im workin on my degree but im also in the military 2! Army National Guard 2b exact! Hooooaaaahhhh!!!! lol! (its uh army thing!) Bt neway!...im also in uh group kwld *J2G* wit my brutha from anutha mutha *Ice* or...Ishwann! We do it awl man! We've dne sum big thangz n our career thus far! Winning *Wild Out Wednesday* on B.E.T twice for instance! Ha! (we were also the very 1st 2 perform Wild Out Wednesday 2!) Les c wut else!...ladiez i do have uh girlfriend (future wifey) name Kelly Sharece Clark! Ofcoarse tha last name will b changed 2 yourz truly! ha! Bt that dnt mean we kain b kool n wut not! But az far az my personality goez..im just uh smooth, layed bak, dwn 2 earth nigga dat luvz 2 have fun n wild out ya knw! Laff n awl dat gud stf! I ain hard 2get alng wit but if its beef den das wut it iz! I stay ready 4 dat! N uh..2 awl my hataz, (awl 58 billion uh yawl) thanks 4 doin yawl job so well! I kain imagine how life wud b with out yawl n dnt want 2! lol! So!...stay on ya job kuz im damn sho gne stay on mindz yah digg! So!...round of applauze 2 yawl ryte quick! *claps handz!*...ha! Ok neway bak 2me! I LOVE 2 MAKE MONEY!!! I ain neva been uh bumb n ain neva gne b 1! I dnt blieve n bein uh sorry ass nigga!! I gta b abt sumthn yah feel me!! So....bt yea that pretty much wraps up awl u needa knw about me sooooo...jus holla @ me if u want ight!! *dUcEz!*
I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics
Name: Albert Ellington Johnson III (A-Jay)
Birthdate: December 4th!, 1988!
Birthplace: Brookdale Hospital n Brooklyn New York!
Current Location: G-Vegas a.k.a Greenville!
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'7
Weight: 155
Piercings: Jus my earz!
Tatoos: 1 on my right arm! (J2G 4 Lyfe)
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Yea i gota gurl!
Overused Phraze: Ummm...i dnt really have 1! I dnt think!...
Food: Wel my fav. dinner iz fried porkchops, rice, string beanz, and Jiffy Cornbread!
Candy: Any kinda gummy kandy!
Number: 5 ofcoarse!
Color: RED!
Animal: Siberian Tiger! Da white kind.
Drink: Lemonade!
Alcohol Drink: Grey Goose! (getchu loose!) haha!
Bagel: Blueberry bagel wit cream cheese!
Letter: B!
Body Part on Opposite sex: Lips, eyes, tits, thighs, ass, legs, and feet!
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi!
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Burger King!
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberryz duh!
Hot tea or Ice tea: Ice Tee!
Chocolate or Vanilla Vanilla!
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot Chocolate!
Kiss or Hug: Kiss!
Dog or Cat: Dog!
Rap or Punk: Rap!
Summer or Winter: Summer!
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny Moviez! (i lyke 2 laff)
Love or Money: Wel money will never hurt me so!.....
Bedtime: Wen i feel lyke it!
Most Missed Memory: Seein my father n brother b4 they passed...
Best phyiscal feature: Idk u tel me!
First Thought Waking Up: Damn i dnt feel lyke getn up! lol
Goal for this year: 2make az much money az possible, move n2 my appartment, n b tha best that i kan b!
Best Friends: Ishwann, Kirtz, my gf!, lex, and my mom!
Weakness: L.O.V.E and my kindness...
Fears: Not bein succesful n life and loozin tha ppl that mean tha most 2me..
Heritage: Black and a quarter Cheeroke! ha!
Longest relationship: Tha 1 im n nw! (goin on 6 yrz)
Ever Smoked: B blowin back! ha!
Ever been Drunk: Hell yea!
Ever been beaten up: Npe nt yet!
Ever beaten someone up: Yep!
Ever Shoplifted: lol....kinda sorta! But nthn major tho!
Ever Skinny Dipped: Naw..
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: HELL NO NIGGA WTF!!!
Been Dumped Lately: Nt really. We break up 2 make up so...
Favorite Eye Color: Green!
Favorite Hair Color: Watever fits them! Nthn 2 wild tho.
Short or Long: Short!
Height: 5'5 @ tha most!
Style: Grown n Sexy!/Cute/Hood!
Looks or Personality: Personality..
Hot or Cute Cute!
Drugs and Alcohol: Alcohol and weed! ha!
Muscular or Really Skinny: Neitha 1! Jus thick n awl and ONLY, the right places! ha!
Number of Regrets in the Past: no komment...
What country do you want to Visit: Jamaca!
How do you want to Die: In my sleep!
Been to the Mall Lately: Yea last week!
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yep!
Get along with your Parents: Yea me n my momz iz gud!
Health Freak: Naw..
Do you think your Attractive: I wud say so yea!
Believe in Yourself: Yea i do!
Want to go to College: Im already in!
Do you Smoke: Yep..
Do you Drink: Yep..n umm...didnt u already ask thoze last 2 questionz???...
Shower Daily: DUH BIT!!!
Been in Love: Yep n i still am.
Do you Sing: Yea i do uh lil sumn sumn!
Want to get Married: Yea!
Do you want Children: Yea 2!
Have your future kids names planned out: Uhhuh!
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: O dat shyt been gawn! ha!
Hate anyone: ......nah nt hate...