Jason profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

A mountain boy stuck in the middle of Taipei. Too bad theres no snow around here (just an overabundance of scooters), it'd be fun to board down them there Hills! I'm a young professional... well...depends on the limitations of the word "Young"...how about immature professional...no age restrictions on immature! :) What am I going to do now that the snows all gone? Anyone wanna explore the pacific rim with me?

My Interests

Snowboarding, Real Estate, camping, hiking, outdoorsy stuff!, football, hockey, volleyball, traveling, backpacking, roller blading, scuba diving, snorkeling, racquetball, sitting on top of a mountain contemplating life just before tossing myself down it with reckless abandon!

I'd like to meet:

Mom once asked me, "What are you looking for in a girl?" I said, "I want a feminine tom-boy...Someone that can dress up and look great for a night out on the town, but on the walk home will still chase me through the sprinklers! A girl that can melt my heart in a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt with no make up on." She looked at me, and with that little disapproving parental nod of the head I know so well, mumbled beneath her breath, "I'm never going to have grandchildren, am I?"


Rock, dance, pop, alternative, grunge, hell even classical when i'm in the mood: Counting Crows, Linkin Park, Coldplay, Creed, Dave Mathews, R.E.M., U2, John Mayer, Pearl Jam


Braveheart,Good Will Hunting,Shawshank Redemption,Abyss,Matrix, Fight Club,Amelie,Gladiator,Top Gun,The Professional,Desperado,Last Samurai


Dont really watch a whole lot... CNN, Discovery Channel, movies, NFL


Catcher in the Rye, Seperate Peace, Tuesdays With Morrie, A Farewell to Arms, LOTR, The Fountainhead, 1984, Ender's Game, Da Vinci Code, What other books was I required to read in school?


Super Man!!!! Oh wait, you mean someone real? Alright fine, SpiderMan! Whaddya mean hes not real?!?!