Snowboarding, Real Estate, camping, hiking, outdoorsy stuff!, football, hockey, volleyball, traveling, backpacking, roller blading, scuba diving, snorkeling, racquetball, sitting on top of a mountain contemplating life just before tossing myself down it with reckless abandon!
Mom once asked me, "What are you looking for in a girl?" I said, "I want a feminine tom-boy...Someone that can dress up and look great for a night out on the town, but on the walk home will still chase me through the sprinklers! A girl that can melt my heart in a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt with no make up on." She looked at me, and with that little disapproving parental nod of the head I know so well, mumbled beneath her breath, "I'm never going to have grandchildren, am I?"
Rock, dance, pop, alternative, grunge, hell even classical when i'm in the mood: Counting Crows, Linkin Park, Coldplay, Creed, Dave Mathews, R.E.M., U2, John Mayer, Pearl Jam
Braveheart,Good Will Hunting,Shawshank Redemption,Abyss,Matrix, Fight Club,Amelie,Gladiator,Top Gun,The Professional,Desperado,Last Samurai
Dont really watch a whole lot... CNN, Discovery Channel, movies, NFL
Catcher in the Rye, Seperate Peace, Tuesdays With Morrie, A Farewell to Arms, LOTR, The Fountainhead, 1984, Ender's Game, Da Vinci Code, What other books was I required to read in school?
Super Man!!!! Oh wait, you mean someone real? Alright fine, SpiderMan! Whaddya mean hes not real?!?!