blues music, sportscars, foreign places, beachin, steel geetar, wimbeldon, makin my dogs reluctantly fight, hillsboro village, Mexican food, where the buffalo roam, blackcat bone, mojo tooth, trippin billies, the cola wars, mistletoe, the cold hard facts, more to come...
you, for a beer! I got the first round...
The K'Po Blues Band CD page
Pulp Fiction is the greatest, Life of Brian, This is Spinal Tap, Caddy Shack, Kill Bill, Office Space, Desperado, Leaving Las Vegas, Anchorman, Last Samurai, 24hour party people, Fight Club, Tommy Boy, GoodBad&theUgly, Best in Show, Gladiator....
Television ain't nothin' but a buncha bllusiht
KeVinci Code, Clifford the Big Red Dog... shutup, I can too read...
BB King, Howlin Wolf, Taj Mahal, SRV, Clapton, The Decider