Hosted By SmoKin WeeD ALL Day HiTTiN ThA MaLL PoPPiN TagZ BeIn RoUnD My TrU BytCheZ ChiLLiN WitH My NiGGa SpeNdiN MonEy AnD LooKin GooD 13 Gram Blunt
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*STONER- Lights a cigarette just before your ready to light up. *POTHEAD- Knows that there is a cipher and a cig will disrupt that and is best left for the end of the session. *ST- Buys "weed" in small doses (dime bags and such). *PH- Not only buys "What ever the latest avoid the cops lingo is" by weight but has memorized the weight system as well. *ST- Throws the weed when cops are around. *PH- Eats the weed because if I'm getting arrested I might as well go in with a killer buzz.
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1O random things about you
O1.]: I LuV My BaBy YuP YuP I LuV My BoY...
O2.]: I StoMp RoUnd AnD PoUt UnTil I GeT WhaT I WanT (Im VerY SpOiL)
O3.]: If It AinT GuCCi BaByPhaT RocAweAr Or WhaT Im UseD 2 WeaRin I DonT WanT It
O4.]: I GoTz 2 SmoKe WeeD EveRy ChaNce I GeT
O5.]: If YoU Do ThA SpEEd LiMiT GeT ThA FucK OuTTa My WaY
O6.]: I GoTz 2 HeaR 2PaC WheN Im CleAniN Up
O7.]: I StiLL GeT FusTraTed WiT ThA MisSioNz On GraNd TheFt AuTo
O8.]: MonEy Iz AlwAyz On My MinD
O9.]: I HatE WheN PPL SmaCk JusT 2 CheW FooD
1O.]: My LyfE Iz ThA ShiT
9 things in your bedroom
O1.]: KinG SizE BeD 4 Me N My NiGGa
O2.]: 32' RCA Tv/DvD PlaYer/PS2
O3.]: WalK N CloSeT (ThA BomB WarDroBe)
O4.]: FisH AquAriUm 4 OuR BaByZ
O5.]: LyfE SizE WiNNiE ThA PooH BeaR
O6.]: 2 CloSet DooR MiRRorZ
O7.]: DreSSer WitH MiRRor
O8.]: GuCCi SheeTz N ComForTer (DayUmm ThaT CosT Me AnD My NiGGa Sum GriP)
O9.]: CarPeT WaLLz AnD A WinDow...HaHa
8 things you do every day
O1.]: I SmoKe WeeD...LikE YoU AinT KnoW
O2.]: WasH My Ass/BruSh My TeeTh
O3.]: I CouNt MonEy
O4.]: KisS My NiGGa N YoU KnoW
O5.]: LooK FreSh 2 DeaTh
O6.]: HiT ThA MysPacE 2 SeE WhaTz PoPPiN
O7.]: SmiLe N LauGh
O8.]: TalK 2 My MoMMy (AWWWWWW)
7 things you want to accoplish in life
O1.]: I WaNNa MeeT My GyrL PaRis HilToN....
O2.]: StaY ThA WaY I Am N NeVer ChaNge
O3.]: BeIng RicH BytCh....
O4.]: MaiNtaIninG My LuV 4 ThiZ NiGGa
O5.]: FinDinG OuT WheRe ThA FucK PaC AzZ Iz HidIng OuT At...ThaTz WhaTz Up
O6.]: BuiLdiNg My OwN MaLL...HaHa
O7.]: KnoCkin BusH ThA FucK OuT WheN I SeE HiM
6 favorite music artists / bands / groups
O1.]: OnE N OnlY BaByGyrL AaLiYah
O2.]: My NiGGa PaC...YoU KnoW It
O3.]: H To ThA IzzO...YaLL KnoW
O4.]: N-O-T-O-R-I-O-U-S YoU JusT LaY DowN SloW
O5.]: ThaT NiGGa LudA
O6.]: AnD ALL ThA OthErZ DoiN It BiG
5 favorite books
O1.]: RooTz
O2.]: ThA SoUrcE
O3.]: VibE MagAziNe
O4.]: CasTinG ThA LasT StoNe
O5.]: ......ThaTz It
4 people you love
O1.]: My MoMMy 4 ShO
O2.]: My DaDDy 4 EveR (ResT In PeaCe)
O3.]: My NiGGa 4 LyfE
O4.]: AnD ThA OneZ WhO LuV Me BacK
3 places you want to visit
O1.]: JamAicA Cuz Of ThaT FyUh...YuP YuP
O2.]: AmsTerDam WheRe ALL ThaT ShiT LeGaL
O3.]: N ProBabLy FloRidA...I DuNNo
2 words that describe you
O1.]: BytChy N SwEEt......
O2.]: AnD WhaTeVa ElsE TheSe JeaLouS HoeZ CaLL Me
1 wish
O1.]: ThaT TheY DonT CloNe Me.....
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What kind of weed are you?with pics
Your the kind of person who likes to smoke in style. You like to get so fucked up you wont be able to do a thing!!!!!
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The Survey- All About You
. . . B a s i c s . . .
Name/Nickname DenAi AkA ChyNaDoLL
Sex FemAle
Age 25 GoiNg On 26
Height/Weight 5'6 Im AveRagE
School NorTheRn HigH/WayNe
. . . C h o o s e 1 . . .
Ghetto/Prep/Skater GheTTo (SupAstAr FabOloUs WhaTevA)
Water/Soda HmmM...HoLLa BacK
Ice cream/Cake GoTTa HavE BotH
Fruits/Vegetables FruIts
Girls/Guys My BaBy
Talking: On Phone/ In Person BotH BuT ReaLLy N PerSon
Hook Ups/Relationships ReLatIonShiPs
Dancing/Singing BotH I GoT SkiLLz
Whole Milk/Skim Milk DonT ReaLLy FucK WiT
Cereal/Bagel If CeReaL GoTTa B FroSteDFlaKes
Winter/Summer SuMMer
Love/Lust LuV (OOooH LuV NeVer KneW WhaT I WaZ MisSin...)LoL
Usher/50 cent FucK 50...AnD UsHer 2 ReaLLy
. . . L o v e L i f e . . .
Do you like anyone? UuH...DuH
If so, who? DeeZ NuTTz...SykE My NiGGa
Number of boyfriends/girlfriends you have had PasT DonT MaTTer Im N ThA FuTurE
With who and when was your last hookup? Uz A NoiSy SuMBytCh
Have you ever been in love? YeaH...Hee Hee
Do you believe in love at first sight? NawL Do U SurVey?
Have you ever went out with someone even if you didn't like them? WhaT 4?
Did you ever reject anyone? ThaT AinT NunYa BizZnesS...HaHa
Did you ever cry over someone of the opposite sex? MayBe
How do you act towards the person you like? UuH...LikE I LikE HiM
Are you a tease/big flirt? R U A BytCh Or A HoE?
. . . T h i n g s Y o u L i k e T o D o . . .
Favorite place to hang out? EasTLanD FaiRLanE GreAtLakEs N 12OakS MaLLs
Do you drink? On My BDaY N XmaS
Have you ever been drunk? ReaD ThA LasT AnsWeR
Do you smoke? TiL I ChoKe
Do you like the mall? WhaT U ThiNk?
Are you an indoor or outdoor person? BotH
Do you do any sports or extracurricular activities? SmoKe WeeD
On your weekends, where can you almost always be found? ThA MaLL Or WiT My NiGGa
Who has the best house to hang out at? Me N My NiGGa
What's your favorite...
Singer: PLZ DonT ThiNk ItZ BeyOncE...LoL
Movie: AnyThiNg FuNNy I CaN SmoKe 2
TV show: TopMoDeL
Actor: I DuNNo
Actress: StiLL DonT KnoW
Restaraunt: TacOBeLL/ConEyIslAnD/ChiNesSe 2
Food: I LuV TacOs
Vacation spot: NeWYorK NeWYorK
Season: SuMMer...DidNt U JusT AsK ThaT?
Holiday: My BDaY...ThaTs A HoLidAy 2 Me
Day of the year: My BirThDay FEB.26
Friend: My GyrL NaKia
Song: DopEGyrL-BrOOkeVaLenTinE
Color: DarK CoLoRs
Flavor soda: PePsI
Type cookie: ChoColAte ChiP
What Do You Look For In a Guy/Girl
Height TaLLeR ThaN Me
Age GrOwN
Weight NoT CruShaBle...JusT PlaYiN
Personality ReaLnesS
Clothing style LikE MinE...FreSh 2 DeAtH
Hair color LonG As It AinT KooLAiD CoLoRs Itz CooL
Do opposites really attract? WhO CarEs? I FouNd My BaBy
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- .. Dating Site
2Pac JayZ ShaWna IceCubE BiGGie E40 TI TwiSta SnOOp LiLwaYne MiSSy EvE NaS NeLLy JuvEniLe OutKasT SeaNPauL BusTaRhyMez PhaRReLL ThAgaMe BroOkeValEntIne KanYewEst PauLwaLL CiaRa JahIem BeyOncE TyrEse AntHonYhaMilTon FieLdmObb JaGGeDedGe RKeLLy JamIeFox MikEjoNez YunGdrO YinGyanG CaSSie KeLis MinTcoNdiTioN LudAcriS AaLiyAh
Hosted By
BoYzNthAhoOd HalFbaKeD FriDay ThABenJamInz JuIce ScaRyMovIe AmeRicAnPie/WedDinG EurOtrIp ScaRfaCe GooDfeLLaz PlaYerZclUb ThAomEn SouLPlaNe BarBerShoP NewJacKCitY BeeF DowN2EarTh ThAexOrciSt StaTepRopErtY TexAscHaiNsaW MybAbySdadDy CelEbriTyzUnCut RkeLLySexTapE HowHigH ThAgoDfaTheR ThaloStbOyz
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106AnDParK MtvCriBz ChaPpeLLesHoW FlaVorOfLovE MauRy AniMalPlaNet FeaRfaCtoR ThAsiMplElyFe PunKd MadTv MeeRkaTz SpoNgeBob CoLLegEhiLL WilDouT BETAwaRdz PriZonBreAk GirLfrIenDz DaySofRlyFez PasSionZ ThAneWz DatEliNe JeoParDy BerNieMac CeLebRitYGosSip KinGofThaHiLL ThaT70zShoW JudGeMatHis DiVorCeCouRt
Your Birthdate: February 26
You lucked out the the skills to succeed in almost any arena.
Put you in almost any business or classroom, and you'll rise to the top.
You're driven and intense, but you also know when to kick back and cooperate.
Your ability to adapt to almost any situation is part of what's going to make you a success.
Your strength: Your attention to detail
Your weakness: You can be a little too proud of your successes
Your power color: Turquoise
Your power symbol: Arrow pointing up
Your power month: August
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
What does your birth month reveal about you?
Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent andclever. Changing personality. Attractive. Sexy. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislike unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.
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What kind of jewel are you?
Pink Ice
You are rare jewel. You tend to have expensive taste; but girl- you have style.
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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.
Hosted By
How You Are In Love
You fall in love quickly and easily. And very often.
In relationships, you tend to be a bit selfish.
You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.
You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.
You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard.
How Are You In Love?
You Will Be a Modern Bride!
While you aren't ready to throw away all wedding tradions, you want a wedding with a twist
You're more inspired by celebrity weddings on E! than from bridal magazines
Whether this means getting married on the beach barefoot or a mariachi band for the reception...
Your wedding will be a blend of old and new - white dress cocktail, personalied vows, whatever suites you!!!
What Kind of Bride Will You Be?
The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart.
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.
Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth and love.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self centered.
What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
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