Since the opening of the site OZWRX has raised $3,000
for charity, so get on board the charity events and help make this total grow.
Site offically opens
CLICK here to see OZWRX's first ever post
This was the OZWRX Launch Cruise and our first to gauge interest in our cruises.
MEGALONG CRUISE over 40 cars
Click On Tv For The Video
Original Cruise Info
Chat and Pics about the cruise
This cruise was our first cruise to raise money for charity.
OZWRX CHAIRTY CRUISE II: Bar Beach Edition 40+ cars due to heavy rain still $1,000 raised for Cancer Council NSW
Click On Tv For The Video
Cruise Info
Cruise Prizes
Pic's and chat from the days event
AutoSalon Debut were we took out best performance club trophy, Dyno Trophy for 4cyl AWD (JAKE AKA ELMO) and Frank's show stopper AKA YTKNYT with Sound off Champion, Subaru Champion, Best Interior Innovation, Best Overall Theme and King Of AutoSalon Nominee.
Click On Tv For The Video
Lithgow Workers Catch Up Cruise Following on from the success of the Sydney auto salon a mini Sunday cruise had been arranged to simply get together experience some great driving roads and have a bite to eat, 30 odd cars attended.
Click On Tv For The Video
Cruise info and hype
Pics from the day
Autotech Engineering Dyno day
Events Info
Chat and Pics of days event
This is the first cruise to bare the OZ'TOBER name. OZ'TOBER CHARITY CRUISE III: Jenolan caves 80 to 90 cars $2,000 raised again for the Cancer Council NSW
Click On Tv For The Video
Cruise Info
Cruise Prizes and numbers
Chat and pic's from the days cruise
AutoSalon FINAL BATTLE Only one trophy this time with Alex's Machine taking the most powerful 4cyl AWD with 308 KW ATW. The event was still an awesome success for the club. Lots of interest in the club from wrx owners and trade stands.
Click On Tv For The Video
Click On Tv For The Slide Show
Click On Tv For The Dyno Footage
MEGUIARS/OZWRX CAR CARE NIGHT Megiuars boys showed the folks at OZWRX the finner points of car care
Click On Tv For The Video
Nites info and chat
Autotech Engineering Dyno day
CHAT, PIC'S and VIDS of the day
....OZ'TOBER CHARITY CRUISE IV: 80+ cars an amazing $6,000 raised for the Cancer Council NSW
CHAT, PIC'S of the day
.. ..Big collection of layouts