Broken Sword, Dreams, German expressionist film & art,European languages, David Icke's theories,Universal Monsters, Ghost hunts, Black and white cinema, Conspiracy theories, Astronomy, Religion, Polaroids, Illuminati.
Generic teenagers.
People who don't religiously straighten their hair.
Top friends is because i hate males, obviously.
Adam & the Ants, Aqualung,Arcade Fire, Avalanches, The Cure, Daft Punk, Depeche Mode, Enigma, Enya, Eurhythmics, Incubus, Jamie T, Jean Michel Jarre, Kings of Leon, Maximo Park, Moby, OMD, Placebo,The Sound of Animals Fighting, The Stranglers, The Verve, Visage.
Häxan.Dracula(1931). M.
Un Chien Andalou.Clockwork Orange.Faust. Metropolis.Der Kabinett Das Doktor Caligari. Creature from the Black Lagoon. House on Haunted Hill. One flew over the cuckoo's nest. Shadow of the Vampire. Freaks.The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Ménilmontant. The Mummy. Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens. V for Vendetta. Frankenstein/Bride of Frankenstein. Indiana Jones.
The Wickerman.
& basically anything by Murnau, Fritz Lang or Jeunet.
Or starring Bela Lugosi or Vincent Price.
Svankmajer's pretty crafty too.