Music first...period.
At Undefined, our influences are purely organic. Our music, straight from the soul. Our decisions, made with the interests of the artists paramount. Our staff consists, quite simply, of an open-minded group of individuals from diverse musical backgrounds dedicated to furthering the cause of true artistry over that of fame, fashion, and wealth. We are not looking to be the next big thing in Nashville--we are looking to join a revolution already in progress throughout the music industry...but to serve a unique purpose in that revolution. We aim to build a grassroots movement that slowly, but surely, finds its way into Music City’s psyche and infects the very core of its music scene so as to hand the stage over to artists who believe in the power of music over the power of the music business.
How do we plan to do this?
By venturing into--nay infiltrating--virtually every facet of the music industry:
Studio Recording
Live Event Booking
Live Audio/Video Recordings
Artist Management
Digital Distribution
Music Video Production
Digital/Physical Product Design and Manufacturing
Artist Merchandise
...and more!
At Undefined, we believe the artist should be in control of the art. Consequently, we adamantly reject the idea of tethering artists abjectly to overbearing producers who tell them how to make their music or their images more commercially acceptable. We are, ourselves, artists; and we understand that the very fact that an artist has dedicated any portion of his/her life to his/her art says that he/she has a creative vision. We do what we do because of a passionate dedication to facilitating an artist’s ability to realize and develop that vision across however many (or few) avenues he/she chooses. We are here to support and nurture artists, not to plasticize and package them--to help them build a loyal and lasting fanbase around their unique messages, rather than over-saturating major media markets with their images, thus inevitably exploiting their creative identities. To us, every artist is of equal importance. Our willingness to help our artists remains contingent only upon that artists’ willingness to remain true to themselves!
If you are an artist, and you’d like to be a part of something pure and real...
Contact us and let us know how we can help you! We are currently offering a great many services, with many more available in the near future!