to pursuit. to annihilate. to destroy. to fathom. to lick. to gasp. to fuck.
to purify. to humiliate. to harangue. to queef. to micturnate. to explode.
to tomato. to dement. to ubiquitize. to disease. to famish. to pencil.
to oil. to patrol. to zipper. to jealousy. to odor.
to elucidate. to egg. to fold. to engorge. to lament. to zonk. to lollipop.
to indulge. to detach. to relapse. to fecund. to qualify. to demoralize.
to purge. to christen. to validate. to decimate. to bewilder. to boniferous.
to toss. to polish. to didactic. to exfoliate. to lolligag. to conjugate.
to implode. to tickle. to infuriate. to entropy. to pestilence. to regulate. to germinate.
to excercise. to quench. to polarize. to usurp. to triangle. to de-coagulate. to multinerdimensional. to parallel. to rhombus. to preposition. to parentheses. to lackadaisical. to regress. to polynomial. to pretentious. to mortify. to invigorate. to be.