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shredding, waking, and rocking to the MAX. yeah i said it, what r u gonna do, cry me? i also like beheading emos and then telling u about it twice.i like stating the obvious cuz i can. did u know that this website is called "myspace", yeah bet u didnt know that.
anyone not emo, unless u have a good reason to b emo, and n that case ile hate u even more, if u dont like what i just said then i will behead u mmkay. ide also like to meet jesus and then ask him for a Coke.
led zeppelin, motley crue, black sabbath, ozzy, the stones, hendrix, ac/dc, skid row, steve miller band, dave matthews band, primus, kiss, foghat, styx, judas priest, the clash, iggy pop, genesis, war, nirvana, audioslave, the ramones, foo fighters, twisted sister, the offspring, jet, johnny cash, guns N' roses, the gorillaz, george thorogood, def leppard, zz top, deep purple, , aerosmith, lynyrd skynyrd, pink floyd, the police, primitive radio gods, queen, quiet riot, R.E.M, rage against the machine, sublime, NOFX, talking heads, the beatles, the white stripes, and anything else that i cant think of right now. also if u dont like my style of music then u can have an ice cold glass of shut the f*ck up, mmkayTake the quiz:
What 80's Metal Band are you? (with pics)
Motely Crue
Motley Crue. Poofy hair, make-up, spandex and leather, you are the typical 80's band. Those who hear your music know not to be fooled by the image. Despite all the show, you rock.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Take the quiz:
Which Dead Rock Star Are You?
Jimi Hendrix
You are Jimi Hendrix! You're influential to many young and old, and very talented. You most likely good with your hands... are you? You are very happy and like to experiment with drugs. Oh, he died in 1970 from a supposed drug overdose, it's unknown what drug.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
anything with that guy from that movie with the hair and the face, u know what guy i'm talking about right. yeaaah that guy. and i also like to watch movies that make u wanna slap yo mamma. the movie Borat was the funniest damn movie i've ever seen n my liife!!!Beatles Videos | Music Video Codes | San Antonio Homes For Sale
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MySpace Avatars
family guy, american dad, that 70s show, and anything on fox. who cares, everybody watches fox, that's y its overrated. i like the show cheap seats cuz it makes me laugh... slightly. and i like anything that u dont like just cuz i can do that.
what's this word "book"? let me look it up n the dictionary real quick......"a written or printed work of fiction or nonfiction, usually on sheets of paper fastened or bound together within covers", wtf is this, i still dont know what a book is.
ferris bueller, robert plant, jimmy page, gene simmons, steven tyler, angus young, kurt cobain, and that guy from that show (u know that one guy with the hair), yeah, what r u gonna do about it huh...nothing, didnt think so. sooo...yeah, how bout dem yankees?