Failure in network marketing
Is Not Your Fault.
(Whether or not you are new to this industry, I commend you for seeking wise counsel Now. You have great Foresight and Wisdom! )
I daresay the majority of "failures" in your life are not your fault.
In reality you have merely lacked the knowledge you need.
"Knowledge without practice is useless.
Practice without knowledge is dangerous."
-- Confucius
In most cases, you wouldn't start a job until you were properly trained for it. Doctors go to med school. I sure wouldn't want a mere high school graduate to operate on me! Auto mechanics get training from school or as an apprentice, or both. The list goes on and on.
The quickest way to learn something with the least pain, is to be under the teaching of a good teacher, coach, mentor, etc. -- however you want to say it. You know this to be true. You are a very, very intelligent person.
When we are children, most of us don't have the benefit or the capability of finding good teachers ourselves. We rely on our parents to teach us and to find other good teachers for us. Enough said.
Our brains our programmed by everything and everyone in our environment everyday. If something is repeated to us often enough, it seems true, and then becomes truth to us, whether or not it is true in reality. [Think and Grow Rich, N. Hill, p.48 (an ebook you get for free when you sign up for the 30 day mental cleanse)] [The Slight Edge, J. Olson, p. 130]
What we hear, read, and think repetitiously, especially when strong emotions are attached, become our automatic thoughts. Automatic thoughts are the thoughts you have in every situation, without always noticing that they are happening. [ erapy.html, under the Description Heading, Psychologist Aaron Beck]
Sometimes we wonder why we feel a certain way, or do a certain thing, especially when it poses a problem for us. Learning to recognize our automatic thought patterns gives us either the root of the problem, or many times, a direction to go in to find the root. Then, we can take corrective action.
This blog will specialize in the education and coaching on how to reprogram your mind to get the results You want, along with other aspects of psychology, that you can apply specifically to your business. As well, by learning to use this information, you can adapt it to any situation in your life. However, the examples I use to illustrate concepts here will be specific to network marketing and to business in general.
Now, I am not bragging: I want to give you some of my background...
I have been receiving coaching in psychology for well over 16 years. My formal training in college was geared toward learning to teach music and mathematics in the public schools.
I graduated Magna Cum Laude in May, 1997 from Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Music Performance: major instrument, clarinet; minor instrument, alto saxophone; minor, mathematics.
I have completed all of the general teacher education requirements and also for music teaching, except for the final semester of student teaching. I have completed the required subject courses in mathematics, and those in teaching mathematics with the exception of two courses, and the final semester of student teaching. The reason for missing student teaching is that Federal Student Loans were not allowed to be used for a car (I don't know what the rules are now). The best training I am receiving now for network marketing is from my mentor Michael Dlouhy and his organization.
I have experience in teaching ranging from tutoring my classmates in high school, being a conversation partner for transfer students learning English while I was at IUP, to approximately three years of providing private music lessons for children and adults, some as a volunteer or as part of my intership at the University School, some for income. I taught clarinet, saxophone, piano, recorder, voice, and know how to teach beginners on all of the other standard band and orchestral instruments. While in high school, I tutored in the subjects of English, Spanish, chemistry, clarinet, geometry; in college with logic and mathematics.
I hope I can be of great help to all. To make this really work the best for you, I need your feedback.
What are you struggling with?
What do you want to see discussed here?
I deeply desire to see all be successful and happy.
Please feel free to contact me at anytime for anything.
Don't just rely on me, though -- I have many resources to share with you, including my mentors and everyone else on my team -- most of no charge to you except for the asking.
Here's even a complete freebie for you now :
May God bless you and yours abundantly!
I have been in several network marketing companies over the years since 1997. I hadn't started making any real progress until I started learning from Michael Dlouhy in March, 2006.
Presently I live in my own apartment. I am looking to buy my first house. This will be accomplished because of network marketing.
I am enjoying living a saved life. I belong to the membership of Gate of Heaven Church of God in Christ, in Monessen, Pennsylvania. I also sing soprano in our choir, The Light of the World Choir. Jesus is doing miraculous things in my life! :-)
I offer mentoring service for free, for anyone in any company. No strings attached. If you like, you are welcome to join my mentoring team's conference calls -- over 10 hours a week of training by Michael Dlouhy, his close business partner Richard Dennis, and other leaders. Two calls each on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
I hope I can be of great help to all.
I deeply desire to see all be successful and happy.
Please feel free to contact me at anytime for anything.
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