the good shit
Anybody with a good story and ice cold beer
Chris LeDoux, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Garth Brooks, George Straight, Clint Black, Big and Rich, Brooks and Dunn, Mel McDaniel, Joe Diffy, John Cash, Metallica, Jason Aldean, Kieth Andersen, Little Texas, AC/DC, Bob Seager, The Eagles, Styx, Boston, ZZ Top. The classics, none of that screamin, whining, cut my wrists bullshit.
Just about anything
meh. I watch tv
The Bible, an assorment of books though. Adventures, outdoors, westerns
my parents, my friends, my little brother for being the kind of kid who can live life to it's fullest, fuckin box (he's livin the dream, it's not always easy for him, but he's got a great attitude), people who accomplish their goals, the man up stairs, and the brave boys over seas