Pornography.No, really.Well i mean im casual, its cool.
Cute girls that want to hang out, talk, and are happy with doing nothing. Girls that like to play video games, but also are happy watching the worst tv shows ever. Also, must love Star Trek TnG. Also affectionate is a plus because i heart that kind of behavior.
I like music. Its fun80'S 80'S 80'S, Panic! at the disco, Pennywise, AFI, Wu Tang, Bloodhoundgang, Rise Against, Pantera, Papa Roach ... you see where i am going here im sure..
Glen Garry Glen Ross, Star Wars (die jar jar), Back to the Future, and im bored of thinking of movies i like.Basically i like most movies cept, well to many to list.
Law and Order, Shark Week on Discovery!
Harry Potter series. Thats about it, i dont read much =/
Hogans! What do i win?