peranoia? |
how do u know u have peranoia ? How do u know the doctors can tell u have it? I get angery heart pounds confused scared people or my friends i think they talk about me or i accuse people of talking sh... Posted by on Tue, 14 Sep 2010 07:47:00 GMT |
peranoia? |
how do u know u have it? Has anyone come to conclusion they have it? Or do u think it something else? How do doctors know u have peranoia? How do they diagnose ur symptoms? I wanna know? I think i mi... Posted by on Tue, 14 Sep 2010 07:38:00 GMT |
Blah blah blah ............... |
Getting out of bed seems like a chore to me . Going to work seems like a waste of day. I get up lay in bed and relly dont want to leave my room. I hate th feeling of being angery when i wake up . I ju... Posted by on Wed, 30 Jun 2010 07:05:00 GMT |
Tears fill my eyes |
My heart is breaking into tiny little pices . They break and shatter. I want to pick them up and put them together and mend them back . Tears fill my eyes . Words shatter my heart . I cant take it any... Posted by on Fri, 16 Apr 2010 07:37:00 GMT |
Emotions |
Emotions eating me up inside. Emotions that it try to hide. Hurting on the inside. Not showing on the outside. Tears that i want 2 cry. Feeling empty and use less . Wanting 2 die. Wanting my gaurdian... Posted by on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 07:17:00 GMT |
Famliy hating famliys |
It makes me so damn mad when u try 2 help a famliy member and they blow up on you . Shit it aint fair. Who do they think they are . Damn it i hate how they fucking think they know everything and can ... Posted by on Tue, 10 Nov 2009 08:26:00 GMT |
Agravatied and extreamly pissed off . |
I sometimes dont understand when u say no 2 someone that they have 2 get mad and say ur talking shit . I fucking hate that when they act like ur the one getting hurt and i hate how when u get advice... Posted by on Thu, 15 Oct 2009 09:51:00 GMT |
Bettrayed |
It feels like someone ripped my heart out and steped on it. Like they dont even care how i feel . I just want this feeling 2 go away. I want friends that i can trust . Friends that wont take th... Posted by on Tue, 15 Sep 2009 22:59:00 GMT |