PaveGurl profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

What would you like to know? Ask it. I'm not shy. Be aware, I may decide what you ask is not going to get answered: that's the risk you take by being ballsy.
My personal mottoes:
1) "I never try anything. I just do it. Wanna try me?"
2) "You gotta shuck a lotta shitty oysters to get enough pearls to make a necklace."
I'm kinda... Well. All over the place, really. Art nerd, corporate whore, dancer, critter companion, optimist, misanthrope, punk, loyal friend, web-head, bitch, type-A slacker, cuddly smut peddler, football fan, coic dork by proxie, hippie, theatre geek, workaholic, proud slut, and dedicated Daddy's girl... These are some of the words I choose to describe myself these days - like all of us, I want to believe I am a unique and special snowflake, but unlike some folks, I realise I'm not all that unusual.
I stay stupid busy, being all of those people - but I kinda love it, for the most part. I am very rarely bored :P
It's the worst Southern accent in the history of awful Southern accents... by me, an actual Southerner! (it's an xPeeps parody of a popular dating site. Can you guess which one?) Full-length version is here:
Want more? That's kinda tough, then. I don't update this all that often, and I have other places that fill that need. If you're that interested in reading my brain droppings, email me and we'll see. This, however, is just a place where I can email ppl sometimes that I don't keep up with in other ways.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Have a quote about me that my friend JokerStar made EXACTLY when I needed to hear it:

"just so you know i have loved you since i first saw you dancing upstars at the dactyl which wasnt that like yesterday* everytime i see you or talk to you or even think about you my punky anger turns in to happy bunny like energy you are fantastic and amazing and a great dancer but its all the million little things about you that really get to me about so i guess your right it is the little things and so you know when i say i love you its not in a i wanna do you kinda way its in a your a credit to the human race like your one of the few shining examples i have that prevents me from displaying people heads on pikes in my front yard YOU ROCK MY SOCKS OFF"

(completely unedited, and boy hidee, the smiles it makes me have. (*) This is to note that this "yesterday" of which he speaks was in approximately 1995)

If you can't be fussed to send me a note when you add me? I can't be fussed to care who the hell you are and add you.

My Blog

Remembering Middle School

Generally speaking, when I write entries, I do them in a single sitting. I am distractable enough that if I start one and walk away, I will completely lose that train of thought. And even when I have ...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 23:23:00 GMT

About Recovery

There have been a number of things that have cropped up in my life of late that are directly related to my recovery. For whatever reason, it's come up with some frequency and regularity that the way I...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 17:16:00 GMT

LA, Atlanta, other crap

Looks like I am headed to Atlanta this coming month for work (Atlanta? Really? I mean, I love the 404, but it's not the kinda place I'd expect is all I'm saying). In November, I will head back to LA (...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 01:20:00 GMT

Weekend recap

Excellent weekend of much-need chillax. Good friends, good company, valuable reconnect with HotRod. For those that made it possible, I thank you, and send you affection and comfort when you need it. T...
Posted by on Sun, 04 May 2008 18:56:00 GMT

Nice things

Today's nice things are: 1) Being told by someone who I value very much that, despite my being pretty much MIA for ages, first thing in the morning, that I are a high point in his life. I haven't seen...
Posted by on Thu, 01 May 2008 15:29:00 GMT

Not, in fact, dead.

So, hi! I'm not dead after all (sorry). I miss you!But hey, guess what I did on my summer vacation, you guys?? (Or, really, that 5 minutes where I wasn't running to and fro like a headless chicken) I ...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 16:17:00 GMT

Upcoming travel stuff

’cos I hate bulletins and can’t be fussed to keep up with them. This weekend, I’ll be hitting the 404 for some good, clean burlyq fun and much needed Chezerina time. Possibly get so...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 05:47:00 GMT

Soap and water and a whole lotta nuthin

Today, I accomplished pretty much everything on my List of Shit To Do:- Jackshit - Fuckall- Lounge- Hammock- Nap- Wash dogs- Go to Wal-MartGuess which of these things I decided NOT to do? (If you gues...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 15:13:00 GMT

Cool Kids’ Club

When I was younger - like, in middle- and high-school younger - I used to scrutinise the cool kids. I would watch how they joked with each other, and how the girls would scream and holler that they di...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 11:39:00 GMT

Spazzy McSpazzerson

Hi! I am a spaz. No, really. It's true. One day I will learn to go with my instincts and not second guess everything I say or do or think, but until that day gets here, I continue to be a spaz. Which...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 21:21:00 GMT