People say I look like Lionel Richie |
OK, so maybe I do. I will accept that after being called Lionel at every job for the past six years. I don't know about the rest of you, but my image of Lionel Richie is that huge ass head that blin... Posted by on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 20:02:00 GMT |
Time to Get Hyped! It's Batizado season |
That's right! Batizado is fast approaching and it's time to showcase everything I haven't mastered this year. Don't expect crazy acrobatics and mind blowing displays of aerial manueverability, but l... Posted by on Fri, 13 May 2005 16:36:00 GMT |
Going back to Japan |
Going back to Japan and coming back a changed man. This will be my third time visiting this strange and fascinating country. This trip will be unlike the others, but I will say that I am making a pl... Posted by on Mon, 09 May 2005 15:46:00 GMT |
I'm feeling the need to beat somebody up |
I get tired of people looking at me wierd. They look scared, as if I'm going to rob them. I'm like, "Look, I'm, just going to get some food at this Hawaiin place." One person went so far as to step... Posted by on Thu, 07 Apr 2005 14:28:00 GMT |
Caught the flu |
I caught a stupid flu on Tuesday, but today is the first sign that it's going away. Although I'm a grown man, I still get scared about flu's lasting more than three days. The constant fevers had me p... Posted by on Sun, 27 Feb 2005 16:39:00 GMT |
Ong Bak |
Just got out the theatre! Whoo! I have never been so inspired to try out a flying Tiger Knee. Was that a cameo appearance by Beat Takeshi? Ong Bak is tight. Tony Ja did all his own stunts! I nee... Posted by on Fri, 11 Feb 2005 23:05:00 GMT |
Black racism |
I'm feeling pissed today cause I of some #@!% that happened awhile ago on my way to FreeThinking at Boardners in Hollywood. As I was walking to the club I saw two black guys talking in the distance. ... Posted by on Mon, 16 Aug 2004 14:56:00 GMT |
The wonders of J`germeister |
I want to call it Instant Drunk. It's the drink of the moment. When the scene looks wack, have a drink of this and you're instantly hearing through the beats. When I get drunk off this stuff I feel... Posted by on Fri, 13 Aug 2004 09:05:00 GMT |
Just got a photo studio! |
I just got a photo studio in Koreatown. It's a shared space with 3 other people. My next project is secret but it will blow away my past work. I'm planning a solo gallery show in September so I'll ... Posted by on Mon, 19 Jul 2004 14:52:00 GMT |
MySpace |
So, I'm starting to use this MySpace alot more cause I see alot of my homies from the dance scene are here too. It's pretty tight. Now that I'm hooked, I'll start by asking whoever reads this to fil... Posted by on Fri, 02 Jul 2004 12:04:00 GMT |