Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
| View Show | Create Your OwnBlake Gardner, guitarist, producer and designer. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------Having begun playing in bands at an early age and then finding his 15 minutes of fame in australian band Def-fx, where he was signed to major record companies, in Australia and America. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------A truely hedonistic life style led to a crisis and new found christian faith. Leaving the band and finding a new way of life brought Blake to Denmark, where he works and lives with his wife and two daughters. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --Blake owns and runs Halohouse productions which is an audio/visual production company servicing film, t.v, commercial firms, labels, musicians and bands with original music, audio production and graphic design. ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------His wife Miriam Gardner is an accomplished singer and vocal coach who has recently opened a Vocal Academy in Ã…rhus, Denmark where Blake assists with music production, grafics and the website - ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- Watch out for new music soon. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------- REFs:---DVD "Vocal Station, a film about singers" - Audio og graphic production.------Album "Perfect" Anders L. Hansen - Co-writer, producer, musician.------Album "Ultimatium" Miriam - Co-writer, producer, musician.------TV Show channel 4 "Zentajour" - Co-writer, producer, graphics.------Album "Slam Dunk" Miriam - Co-writer, producer, graphics.------E.p "Watchout now" Bearfoot - Co-writer, producer, musician, graphics.------Webside "Vocal Station" - Graphics.------Album "Light speed collision" Def fx, EMI / BMG - Co-writer, co-producer, --musician, co-graphics.------Album "Baptism" Def fx, Universl Music - Co-writer, co-producer, musician.------E.p "Blink" Def fx, Phantom records - Co-writer, co-producer, musician, co-graphics.------E.p "Surge" Def fx, Phantom records - Co-writer, co-producer, musician, co-graphics.------E.p "Water" Def fx, Phantom records - Co-writer, co-producer, musician, co-graphics.