♣ஜ♥U CAN +AK3 0FF MAH CL0+H3S JUS DO !+ SL0W profile picture


♣ஜ♥I LIK3 DA WAY U LUK @ M3H♥ஜ♣ §

About Me

.. I think I luv em ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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Your Type:
Tall or Short?: tall
Dark Skin?: some
Light Skin?: yeah
White?: no
Asian?: no
Low Cut or Afro?: low cut
Built or Thin?: built
Layed Back or Out Going?: both
Do You Like Fat Guys?: no
Would You Date A Guy With A Baby Mama?: no
Would You Date A Bisexual Guy?: no
Older Guys or Younger Guys?: older
Would You Perfer A Guy With A Car?: yeah
Money and Popularity or Romance and Class?: both
Virgin or Not A Virgin?: not virgin
Drinks?: it depends on how much he drinks
Smokes?: ok
A Mama's Boy?: no
Would You Date A Guy That Has Had Sex With More Than 10 Different Women?: no dats nasty
Would You Date A Guy That Has Been In Love In The Past?: maybe if he still loves her no
Would You Date Someone Still Sprung Over Their Ex?: no
Soft Voice Or Deep Voice?: it depensd on how soft or deep
Goes Out Alot or Stays Home Alot?: stay home alot
Lazy or Active?: active
Intelligent and Ugly or Dumb and Sexy?: dumb and sexy
Boys And You
Is There Someone You Like At The Moment?: no
Have You Ever Had A Valentine?: yeah
Has A Boy Ever Given You Anything For Your Birthday?: yeah
Have You Ever Recieved A Random Gift From A Guy?: no
Are You A Virgin?: ???
Are You Shy When It Comes To Boys?: no
Do You Approach First or Wait Till The Guy Approaches?: waite
Do You Kiss On The First Date?: no
Do You Think You Should Become Friends With Someone First?: maybe
Have You Ever Had Your Broken?: no
How Many Times?: 0
Do You Kiss In Public?: no
Would You Fight For Your Guy?: hell naw
Do You Believe Everyone Has A Soul Mate?: no
Are You A Freak In Public or Private?: ???
Would You Cry Over A Boy?: hell naw
Long or Short Distance Relationships?: short
Would You Start A Relationship Over Line?: no
How Many Kids Do You Want To Have?: ?
Would You Date Someone With A Ragety Car?: no
Peck or Tounge Kissing?: ????
Back Massage or Foot Massage?: back
Whip Cream or Handcuffs?: both
Recieving Pleasure or Giving Pleasure?: reciving
Have You Ever Broken Someones Heart?: maybe
Do You Put Boys Off Cold or Say It Polietly?: polietly
Do You Want To Get Married?: no
Do You Think Boys Perfer Sex Over Love?: ???
Do You Say I Love You First Or Wait For Your Partner To Say It?: no and i dont want anyone 2 luv me
A Man That Can Cook or Fix Things?: both
Your Love Life
Are You In Love?: no
Have You Ever Been In Love?: no
Do You Believe In Love?: a little bit
Do You Believe In Soul Mates?: no
Are You Single?: no
If So How Long Have You Been?: 0
What Is Todays Date?: 9/26/06
Do You Have Sex or Make Love?: ???
Do You Believe In Love At First Sight?: no
Do You Have A Love Life?: no
How Long Does It Take To Fall In Love?: i dont know
Is Love Expressed Through Words or Actions To You?: actions
Do You Believe In Young Love?: no
What Does Love Mean To You?: someone who really cares
Do You Want A Man That Can:
Cook?: yeah
Clean?: yeah
Dress?: yeah
Drive?: yeah
Dance?: dont matter
Read?: yeah
Sing?: dont matter
Play Sports?: dont matter
That Will Eat You Out?: ???
Talk Alot?: maybe
Cuddle Up With You?: yeah
Relate To Your Problems?: yeah
Stay Faithful?: yeah
Love You Forever?: no
Random Questions:
Would You Like Your Man To Call You Everyday?: no
Can You Trust Your Man Around Other Girls?: yeah
Would You Feel Comfortable With Your Man Alone With Your BestFriends?: no
How Long Did Your Last Relationship Last?:
Do You Like The Whole Running Game Thing Boys Tend To Do?: no
What Is Something You Can't Stand About A Guy?: when they try 2 play u like u thirsty
What Is A Compliment That Most Guys Give You?: ????
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