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..Sumtimes I think its not possible to know whether I'm a woman full Life and Mystery or if Im just a shallow FLirt with a Fake knowledge of things but no kind of emotional understanding of anything... lmao... but hey dats me..I'm an INTENSE and curious person and I have a sincere "want to know" ..or "need to know" attitute towards KnowledgeI tend to OVERANANYLIZE everything!I wnt lie bout dat and I am a Chamelion...Look wise not attitute or character wise.I'm the same person i've always been and always will be.I just try to keep growing as a a I challenge myself...I'm Me.. wtf can i say?I walk with these broad shoulders upright to support my my Lipgloss shining so u can c U lookin at ME.....and my head up high to the sky...Motto while Im Driving:....Never use my rearview mirror....I stay focused on the Road QUICK QUESTION:BACK TO THE REGULAR SCHEDULED PROGRAMI'm a pretty down to earth person and I love to laugh and enjoy life. My daughter is my number 1 priority next to god and If i'm not handleing my business i'm chilling with my gurlz.3 things you dont mess with and dats my family, my man and my take heathe..:O)..o yeah ( family is close friends included..ok) Anything else you want to know about me ask and maybe you shall find out.Ummm...let me leave u with some sayings that I try to go by.It may sound cliche but it's sooo
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