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Myspace Layouts at / Lrorocker!
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..~ Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results ~
::I LiKe::~~~ TiGa, Dj Boy, Miss Kittin,VitALiC, PeaChes, David MoRaLes, The Knife, Eric Prydz, Dave McCullen, ScissoR sisteRs, JoHn B, Dave ClaRke, Dj HeLL, MyLo, GoldFraPP, StArKiLLers, FisherSpooNeR, Bob SincLaiR, MarTin SoLveiG, Deep DiSh, Royksopp, YeR mAn, Late niGht AluMni, tOm nOvy, AndAin, Gwen StefAni, Ayo, Amy WiNehouSE, PrinCe, MicHaeL JacKson & juStin (bluSH: ) ~~~~Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life~~Music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life~
~MiljenKo JeRgoVich, BellA BarthuSt, NiCoLo AmAnniti, MiLan KunDeRa, AlessanDro Barico~
~Whatever WoMen Do They muSt Do tWice aS WeLL aS Men to be ThougHt hAlf aS gOOd. LucKiLy, this iS noT diFFicuLt~~reMemBer, GingeR RoGers DiD eveRything FreD aStair Did, buT she DiD iT bAckWarDs and in higH heeLs~~ It's not what you do ... i's how you do it ~~ When woMen goeS wRong, men go RiGht aFter heR ~~ WheN cauGht betWeen tWo eviLs I geneRally piCk tHe one I've neVer tRieD beFore ~~ WhEn I'm gooD, I'm veRy gooD, but wHen I'm bAd, I'm bEtteR ~