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Growing Older Disgracefully

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10 Easy Steps to...
Growing Older Disgracefully!

The JOYS of Ageing and Blasting the Stereotypes!!
If you fear ageing, or it worries you in any way, you cannot afford to miss me! I will change your perception of yourself, your loved ones and your world. To begin with, DEAD PEOPLE DON'T AGE! So if you are ageing you're very much alive and need to cherish that precious gift, not be sad because of it. Most people have a resigned attitude to ageing, dreading the years and/or wishing their life away, feeling negative about the blessing of extra life they have been given. 10 easy steps to...Growing Older Disgracefully seeks to change all that and give you a new way of viewing your life. 10 easy steps to...Growing Older Disgracefully has universal appeal, something for everyone, no matter where they are in the world.
It answers the following questions and much, much more:
1. Why do we find it hard to love ourself?
2. What is the greatest asset we have in keeping us looking good and appreciating our age?
3. What is the biggest factor in the ageing process?
4. What is guaranteed to age us quicker than we can say: getting older?
5. What two essential things are needed when we are trying to cultivate and live a healthy lifestyle?
6. Why is sex so important to our life when we are older?
7. What is the main thing which keeps us back in the past and why are so many of us stuck there?
8. In what ways can we grow older disgracefully and enjoy a much better life?
9. What ONE major activity can have a significant impact on the quality of our life?
8. What THREE things do we need most of all to really behave disgracefully?

"To be older, without all those pressing responsibilities, is one of the most exciting periods in our life. A period which is seldom appreciated because of our perception of it, being brainwashed from a long time back that we should dread it and being haunted by the idea that we have only illness and frailty to look forward to with ageing. Yet, I cannot think of anything more sexy and formidable than to have great intelligence, wisdom and experience, and a wonderful, healthy, shapely body to go with it! Eat your heart out all those younger airhead ‘celebrities’ with nothing more than their looks! At the rate I’m going, I’ll probably be the only woman in Britain who will have to whip out my birth certificate in two years’ time (when I’m 60) to prove that I am entitled to my free bus pass, and I am relishing the moments. In fact, I can’t wait to be 60! Am I mad, or wot?
For me, ‘disgraceful’ behaviour in older people is one which takes us out of our comfort zones, one that defies predictions and unchanging expectations; one that extends our knowledge, our boundaries and our reach to view life and approach it in a different way. It is an attitude that takes us to new vistas and venues, to new heights of pleasure and personal appreciation of the unique and formidable beings we become as we age; one that brings us firmly and unmistakably in the modern era. In short, behaviour which helps us to defy ageing and regard it simply as a number marking the stages of life, instead of one that brings fear and dread and controls our living."

10 easy steps to...Growing Older Disgracefully is about the joys of ageing and celebrating the latter stages of our life, instead of wishing it away or fretting about it. It is packed with suggestions, anecdates and real life stories of dealing with both the ageing process and the negative change in perception which usually follows our 40 year milestone.
Introduction...Why Ageing Disgracefully?
STEP 1 Love Yourself
STEP 2 Enjoy Your Age - Accept it Gracefully
STEP 3 No Regrets!
STEP 4 Look After Your Body
STEP 5 Smile, Smile, Smile
STEP 6 Communcate, Communicate
STEP 7 Sex! Sex! Sex!
STEP 8 Read Lots: Learn Something New Each Day
STEP 9 Discover New Interests and Activities
STEP 10 Let Your Spirituality Shine
PLUS 10 short self-assessment quizzes to see how you measure up!


Elaine Sihera is a living testament to ageing disgracefully and with abandon. Born 58 years ago, she has overcome many traumas in her life to be a vibrant, cheerful, caring extrovert whose engaging smile and magnetic cover picture (taken on her 58th birthday!) reflects the essence of her perennial beauty and amazing personality.
As a writer, innovator, public speaker and executive director of DIVERSITY LEADERS UK, Elaine Sihera spent the past 14 years trying to make a difference to others through public recognition and her annual awards. Now Ishe wishes to make a difference to herself. She believes it is time to "stop and smell the roses " while she still has breath!
Elaine says with a cheeky grin, "I must be the only woman in the world getting younger with each year. Being fearless in life, I refuse to let little trivialities like ageing or death worry me. Life is for living, says the old cliché, and I'm busy turning that into a fact! The past cannot be revisited and the future might never arrive, so the only time I really have is TODAY and I intend to make the most of it. My main purpose now is to empower others through my life coaching and motivational expertise."
(Longer excerpts are in the Blog section.) This comes from the INTRODUCTION:
1. "Our attitude to ageing is affected by six main fears we have around it. Try as we might, many people cannot escape their influence and so lead less-than-happy lives instead. Which of the fears listed below cause you the most angst? Award 2 points for each, or 1 point if it only affects you sometimes.
    1. Fear of getting wrinkles and being unattractive
    2. Fear of being alone or excluded.
    3. Fear of losing power, status and libido
    4. Fear of being isolated, unwanted and useless.
    5. Fear of being ill and incapacitated
    6. Fear of approaching death.

As a rule, women tend to fear the first two, men tend to fear the next two and everyone fears the last two. How many did you get out of 12? If you got more than three points, you got too many!
Within these major categories, there are also the following anxieties
    a. Young men and a fear of reaching 30.
    b. General fears of being ‘40 and over the hill’
    c. A feeling of being really ‘old’ and unattractive at 50!
    d. Needing Ironing at 70!!

"All these will be discussed in the last chapter, but the six major fears dominate our existence as soon as we reach late 30s and beyond. We worry constantly about those effects and all too soon they become self-fulfilling prophecies. We gradually become ill, wrinkled, isolated or alone – generally weaker and unattractive in our bodies. No one likes a doom and gloom person, or one who is no fun to be with. So, with time, the worriers are likely to find themselves alone, living out the anxieties they feared, while they come to regard their situation as further vindication of their worries in a revolving cycle of cause and effect!"
"People tend to look back with rose tinted lenses on the past perhaps because they are years older and are feeling less confident. They occupy themselves with the things they wish they had done instead of what they could still do no. But no other age that has gone before is ever better than the present one because there is always an improvement in education, quality of life and opportunities. How many people would wish to go back into the 17th century before they discovered anaesthetic or penicillin? Or return to the 18th century before the car was created? Or revisit 1915 before the First World War and women had no vote? We tend to give past ages the halo effect to help us to cope with changes we don’t like now. But, for me, the age we are in is always the best. And once we appreciate that simple fact, we are then in a position to accept it, benefit from it, contribute to its growth and enhance our own lives through it, as I have done with technology. So leave those regrets well behind."
"Every action we take has consequences, whether wanted or unwanted. That is the first crucial law of life to acknowledge. Nothing in life comes without a price. The main question for each of us is: Do we want to pay that price? Often we procrastinate or never make a decision because we don’t want to pay the price at all. It would be too painful for us. The price could be either a change in circumstances that we dread (like moving house or breaking a relationship), the reaction of our significant others (fear of disapproval and being squeezed out emotionally), going against cultural or community taboos, fear of someone’s negative action (violence or verbal abuse against us) or social punishment (being sent to prison for a wrongdoing). Whatever the price is, we only make progress from our decisions if we are prepared to accept the consequences."
Elaine will be doing presentations and workshops around recognising the joys and benefits of being older in the UK starting from October. Details of dates and venues will be listed here as soon as they are available. If you are a member of a group or association who would like Elaine to speak, please send an email to Elaine at [email protected].

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who wishes to read me - those who concerned about their ageing, and even those whp are happy. I have lots of information, told in a simple attractive style that will keep you hooked for many hours.

From STEP 1 - Self Love
"When we love ourself, we give permission for others to love us too, to appreciate both our strengths and weaknesses, and to enhance that sense of worth and significance we all seek. Perhaps through childhood, and/or problematic relationships, many people undervalue themselves and use either their parents or their lovers to set the standard of acceptability for them. They deliberately ignore their strengths, prefering to focus on their perceived weaknesses, to the extent that if their relationship is ‘failing’, they are likely to blame themselves for it. They perhaps believe they must be ‘bad’ persons, otherwise why wouldn’t things have worked out for them?
"If they were not loved and affirmed as children, they are also likely to see themselves in terms of being unworthy and inferior to siblings or friends, always lagging behind while clinging to the judgements of significant others in a constant comparison with them. By the time they are older people, that negative reaction would have cemented itself inside their heads and, as they age slowly, their self-esteem takes a battering. By the time they are in their 50s or 60s, the weight of the world is likely to be upon their shoulders helped by their anxieties, endless problems and low opinion of themselves. In fact, the biggest tell-tale sign of this unhappiness is usually in extra weight gain. As the weight piles on, they feel even more unattractive to themselves and to others. Gradually, their feelings begin to affect their health when the reaction of others unwittingly makes their fears come true in an unrelenting cycle of self-loathing.

My friends from MySpace are entitled to a 15% discount on each book ordered and can have Elaine sign it too. The discount also applies to any workshops, if it is ordered through this site and through Paypal If you are ordering from overseas direct from this site, there will be an additional international postage charge. FRIENDS OF THIS SITE WILL ALSO GET ALL THE NEWS FIRST.

My Blog


Give your CONFIDENCE a BIG BOOST! WorkshopDate: 29 November (9.30-4.30pm)Venue: The Hub Working Centre, 5 Wormwood Street, London EC2M 1RQHow CONFIDENT do you feel NOW? Do you lack the courage to do ...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 06:18:00 GMT


ENJOY YOUR AGE: Grow Older Disgracefully! WorkshopDate: 25 November (9.30-12.30pm)Venue: The Hub Working Centre, 5 Wormwood Street, London EC2M 1RQThis half-day WORKSHOP is for anyone who FEARS agein...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 05:52:00 GMT

EXCERPT From Chapter 4- Look After Your Body

Look After Your Body (Excerpt from Chapter 4)As to exercises, fifteen years ago I was trying to keep up with the Joneses at the gym, even though I did not feel like going regularly. I refused to accep...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 17:02:00 GMT

Book Excerpt: (1) SEX! SEX! SEX!

Hi Guys...Thought I would post a final excerpt to give a better idea of the book as I have had lots of queries. This bit is very HOT, dealing with sex, of course, so do enjoy! Do bear in mind that th...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 14:32:00 GMT