Roxx,Co,Zanzis,Martin,Phan,Delfi,Frankie,Nemo,Albix,Alexis, Lea,Matt,Leaaa,Santi,Camiii,Maiiiii,Jakeeee(L)are amazing, cute, pretty and funny. I love them.
3 door down, 30 seconds to mars, A day to remember, Aerosmith, AFI, Alesana, Alexisonfire, Andrew Landon, Artic Monkeys, As i lay Dying, Ashlee Simpson, Atreyu, Avenged Sevenfold, Avril Lavigne, Belle and Sebaastian, Bless the Fall,Blondie,Bon Jovi, Breaking Benjamin, Bright Eyes, Bring me the Horizon, Britney Spears, Bullet for my valentine, Busted, Coal chamber, Coldplay, Comeback Kid, Creed, Cute is what we're for, Dallas Green, Damien Rice, Daphne Loves Derby, Dashboard Confessional, Death cab for cutie, Depeche mode, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Eisley, Elliot Smith, Emery, Emmure, Escape the fate, Eyes set to kill, Fall out boy, Flyleaf, From autumn to ashes, From first to last, Good Charlotte, Guns n' roses, Gwen Stefani, Hellogoodbye, Hollywood Undead, Jets To Brazil, Jimmy eat World, Keane,Killing Joke, Korn, Le tigre, Lifehouse, Linkin Park, Love Hate Hero, Madonna, Marilyn Manson, Maroon 5, Matchbook Romance,Metric, My chemical Romance, One Republic, Panic! at the disco, Polysics, Papa Roach, Paramore, Pinback,Pixis, Placebo, Plain white t's, Radiohead,Ramones Red hot chilli peppers, REM ,Rezillos, Richard Cheese, Rocky Votolato, Ryan Adams, Sick Puppies, Silverstein,Silversun Pickups, Simple Plan, Sky eats Airplane, Slipknot, Smashin Pumpkins, Snow Patrol, Staind, Starsailor, Stylophonic,Television, Taking back sunday, The academy is...,The adverts, The all american rejects, The calling, The faint, The killer, The kooks, The magic numbers, The police, The used, Tom Petty, Travis, Underoath, Wilco, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Yelle...
Party Monster, 21 Gramos, Across the universe,Adaptation, Amelie, Black Dahlia, Bowling for Columbine, Butterfly Effect, Chaly and the chocolate factory, Closer, Corpse Bride, Cruel Intentions, Cry Wolf, Derailed, Donnie Darko, Edwar SccisorHands, Elizabethtown, Elephant, Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mine, Midnight Express, The faculty, Finding Neverland, Forest gump, Girl interrupted, Hard Candy, The lake House, Lord of the rings,Juno, Match Point, Mulholland Drive, Ghost World, The notebook, Nueve Reinas, Pride & Prejudice, Philadelphia, The pianist, Pirates of the Caribean, Rent, Requiem for a dream, Saw, Sin City, Sleepy Hallow , Spiderman, Spun, Thank you for smoking, The Girl next door, The royal Tenenbaums, The devil wears Prada, Garden State, Trainspotting, Transamerica, Mystic River, V for Vendetta, Wicker Park, Wimbledon... I love the movies
The L word
The O.C
One tree hill
America's next top model
American Idol
The nanny
Family Guy
The Simpsons
La usurpadora (?)