.:EppY GuY:. profile picture

.:EppY GuY:.

Aku AdaLah Aku ........ L/N : fateh

About Me

<> .friendSpace { display:none; } MuhaMMaduniL FateH

PeoPle Call Me PakTeh
10. November .1987
Hospital Kajang Selangor
Blue Green Red
I Wan To Be ProfeSSional
[email protected] ( Friendster )
Pakteh_Teh ( YM )

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Who Can Be My Friends

PeoPle Who Can Make Me Happy
PeoPle Who Can Make Me Smile
PeoPle Who Can Share My Problem
PeoPle Who Can Keep Secrets For Me
CoMmEnT'S KaT CiNi


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