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I am here for Friends

About Me

"...Our business, if we desire to live a life not utterly devoid of meaning and significance, is to accept nothing which contradicts our basic experience merely because it comes to us from tradition or convention or authority. It may well be that we shall be wrong; but our self-expression is thwarted at the root unless the certainties we are asked to accept coincide with the certainties we experience. That is why the condition of freedom in any state is always a widespread and consistent skepticism of the canons upon which power insists."
- Harold J. Laski
"The Dangers of Obedience"

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


My Blog

Chair shopping

I have a white wooden desk. And it would like a friend. Late at night, just as I'm between awake and asleep, it whispers its wishes on the evening star: Eames. Zenith rope edge fiberglass shell. RAR.&...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 20:51:00 GMT

Wish Big!

It's Christmas time in the city. It's a time for baking, shopping, watching goofy movies and spending time with family. That is if you have a Real Job. For those of us who aspire to have Re...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Dec 2005 01:05:00 GMT

A new kindred spirit

Despite having a shiny new brass plated pin with the number five on it, there are still moments when I get that first day of school - I need to go ralph now - feeling at the thought of another day at ...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Nov 2005 07:35:00 GMT

Hasta la vista, California!

So, yesterday I was driving home from my place of employment when I noticed a tank in the rear view mirror. This struck me as odd, since there are not usually tanks on I-80 West. "It's just a strange ...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Sep 2005 11:39:00 GMT

Picture comments

When I tried leaving myself a comment today, it said that I had to be a friend to do so. I felt so rejected. I think myself and I have some serious making up to do.
Posted by on Thu, 22 Sep 2005 04:40:00 GMT