I was former hearald of the mega-tyrant Galactus and offered my life to protect my native planet, placing me in the service of Galactus as a silver suited sentinal. As a galaxy cruising Protector endowned with superhuman strength, I am able to control and direct cosmic energies, with enough force to destroy a city. After visiting Earth, I finally betrayed Galactus and refused to supply his world-devouring appetite. My punishement was confinement to earth - but I escaped and currently soar the starways as a universal.I have certain cosmic energy enhanced perceptions which enable me through concentration to become aware of the patterns of energy which surround me. Accordingly, I can sense great concentrations or deployment of energy anywhere in the world. I have a special affinity for the life energies of living beings, and can use my cosmic powers to augment them to a certain degree. While I can use my power to revitalize life energies and heal the wounded, I cannot create life or restore life to the dead.
I do not need to eat or breathe since I absorbs life-maintaining cosmic energy direct through my skin. Although my body does not require sleep, my mind still does in order to give it an opportunity to dream.
By exceeding 99% of the speed of light (186,000 miles per second), I can shift himself into hyperspace, a dimension in which velocity is not limited by the speed of light. I can also compress my own bodily matter so as to shift myself into a so-called microverse. I once used my powers to travel through time, but may be unable to engage in time travel under normal circumstances.
Known superhuman powers: I can endow myself with Class 100 strength, enabling me to lift (press) over 100 tons. I possess the Power Cosmic which I can use to generate powerful force blasts or to rearrange molecules. I travel on a "surfboard" which responds to my mental commands and is as indestructible as I am. I has a Cosmic Awareness which allows me to feel energy around him.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Any human that will accept me for being me and not persecute me.
My Blog
Han Solo
Take the quiz: "What Star Wars Character Are You?"Han SoloYour sarcasm is remarkable. Because of your harsh childhood you have become excellent at supressing your emotions and appearing driven only b... Posted by on Mon, 21 Mar 2005 03:22:00 GMT
Sue Storm the flirt
I haven't see my girlfriend Shalla Bal in so long. As much as I miss and love my dear sweet Shalla, Reed's wife Sue has been coming onto me. I was over there for coffee the other day and she made hers... Posted by on Wed, 09 Mar 2005 23:35:00 GMT