Make Your Own Glitter Graphics
I would like to meet some friends to share things with,To talk about how good our day was and to beable to be there when they need a shoulder.
I edited my profile at
My number one movie I have liked since I was young would be :Gone With The Wind,other's are Take the lead,Dreamer,Titanic(call me a hopeless romantic)Troy,Honey,Longest Yard.I like funny movies not dumn ones,and love a good scary movie once in a while and cant for get a good Hallmark and life time movie
I love reading Sylvia browne,Some romance, The DA VINCI CODE,How to do books,Because sometimes a girl just has to fix things on her own.WITH OUT THE USE OF DUCK TAPE!
Also like a good thinking book to keep the brain fresh.
My Hero besides all those fighting for our country would have to be My daughter Nichole,I was blessed to have her for six days after she was born,So small and helpless she fought to try and stay with us but she will never be forgotten.Each and everyday I think about her sweet little face and that is why I like angels so much.
So once in awhile send one my way and I will put it up just for her.