One Last Kiss..... profile picture

One Last Kiss.....

Nobody knows whats gonna happen tomorrow.........

About Me

I am becoming more aware of the things in the world and universe and all I can say is it is an incredible experience!! I want to enjoy life and have fun. Oh btw, I LOVE PAPA ROACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Your Seduction Style: The Dandy
You're a non-traditionalist, not limited by gender roles or expectations. Your sexuality is more fluid than that - and you defy labels or categories. It's hard to pin you down, and that's what's fascinating about you. You have the psychology of both a male and a female, and you can relate to anyone. What Is Your Seduction Style?href= quiz_id=1013 Click Here to Take This Quiz
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You're Lili St. Cyr!
What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
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and sometimes there is just way to much.......... width="425" height="350" ....

My Interests

CONCERTS!!!!, Baseball, movies, shopping, lingerie, belly dancing (it's actually fun, tattoos & piercings, Crystals, Incense, Tai Chi, making jewelery etc......I also love movies!Movies When it comes to movies it all depends on my mood! I am a movie fanatic. Some of my faves areHappy Gilmore,The Ring, Unfaithful, Wicker Park,Army of Darkness, The Secret, What Dreams May Come, Eyes Wide Shut, Interview with a Vampire, Love Actually, Fools Rush In, Shakespeare in Love, Queen of the Damned, Coyote Ugly, Underworld, Matrix Trilogy, Godfather Trilogy, Serendipity, The Recruit, Bridget Jones' Diary and the Edge of Reason, Ever After etc..... Anything by Kevin Smith or Jenna Jameson!

I'd like to meet:

Who I'd like to meet? Hmmmm...........I have met A LOT of people, but I really would like to meet people who can connect with, relate to and understand me. However,I would like to meet these people ..I know diverse bunch but hey I get along with a lot of different people!


.. width="425" height="350" ....I listen to almost all types of music, but my all time faves are PAPA ROACH!!(these guys are great! They put on an incredible show and they haven't forgotten where they came from. Check out the new album it rocks!!!!)The F-Ups, Trust Co.,Enya,Linkin Park, Tommy Lee, Fall Out Boy, The Smiths, Garbage, Ludacris, DMX, Siouxsie & the Banshees, Bauhaus, Sex Pistols, Berlin, The Beatles and of course the ultimate all time fave
Which Rock Chick Are You?
h1 style='font:bold


Folloe your Dreams!


Which Charmed One Are You?
You are like Piper Halliwell. Piper used to be quiet and reluctant, untill her older sister Prue dies. Then she started taking the lead in the power of three. She would rather spend time with her family, or cooking then she would fighting demons, but she knows thst she has to. Her headstrong attitude and her power to stop time and blow things up make her very powerful.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code I loved Charmed, now I am forced to watch reruns on TNT! Nip/Tuck, Grey's Anatomy, Family Guy and HGTV.


Anne Rice, Harry Potter books, Z Budapest, Dan Brown, Lois Duncan, Mary Higgins Clark and the list goes on..... It all depends on my mood.


I wouldn't really say they are heroes but these are some people I admire:What can I say, I like interesting people!