l o u is j u s t u s 20 likes:Â Â 20 albums (in no order) :
001 - stella reimers     001 - white album 002 - friends     002 - hunky dory 003 - music     003 - blonde on blonde 004 - film     004 - transformer 005 - nature    005 - rockin' and romance 006 - camping      006 - african herbsman 007 - sex      007 - license to ill 008 - drugs     008 - the clash U.K. 009 - rock'n'roll  009 - last of the steam powered trains 010 - winter     010 - good bad not evil 011 - pool jumping 011 - specials 012 - being naked  012 - wave of mutilation 013 - foxtail      013 - flying club cup 014 - pie          014 - black sunday 015 - 1969'     015 - surrealistic pillow 016 - suspenders   016 - close my eyes 017 - sunrises    017 - greatest hits 018 - tattoos    018 - name of this band is talking heads 019 - aloe drink   019 - dethalbum 020 - art      020 - flood