Lundo profile picture


Objects in mirror are closer than they appear

About Me

I was a teenage grown-up. Followed the path - job, wife, kid - then the long strange trip through my myriad dramas. Now I'm spending my unspent youth - it's alright now, in fact it's a gas. Nothing like living death for ten years to make you appreciate every moment of life!
Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.
- Kahlil Gibran
The river does not swell with clear water.
- Italian proverb
Since you have chosen to elect a man with a timber toe to succeed me, you may all go to hell and I will go to Texas.
- Davy Crockett's final statement on his Congressional defeat (1835)
The nice thing about being a celebrity is that when you bore people, they think it's their fault.
- Henry Kissinger
As you get older, more of the sleaze in the world becomes apparent to you, and you can sometimes mistake this learning process for a deterioration in the world itself.
- Brian Micklethwait
Qui me défine, me confine.
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MySpace policy: When I get "friend" invites here from people I've never heard of, I'll usually accept them if they've also sent some kind of message introducing themselves. Otherwise, "blind invites" are routinely denied - don't take it personal, there are just too many billions of strangers in this world. And I tend not to collect bands as friends, or the Bulletin just gets clogged up with gig listings.
And about Comments: The definition of Comments as I know it means things you say ABOUT someone, not TO them. So if you have something to say TO me, send a Message; leave a Comment if you wanna say something ABOUT me (not so hard, eh?). COMMENTS certainly is no place to usurp for goddam gig flyers and promos! Also, any comments containing huge graphics which force my page to be a zillion pixels wider than anyone's screen will be deleted.

My Interests

People, music, computer technology, global dynamics, Zoe Lund, other...

I'd like to meet:

Your mother


Punk, NYC Rock N Roll, J S Bach, metal, funky R&B, Louis Prima, William Byrd, classic/psychedelic rock, Chet Baker, Pink Floyd - this could go on forever


El Topo, American Beauty, Borat, Welcome to Woop Woop, Flight 93, A History of Violence, Ciao Manhattan, Greaser's Palace , Team America: World Police, Natural Born Killers, Bad Lieutenant, Ms. 45, South Park - The Movie, Forbidden Zone, One From The Heart, Apocalypse Now, The Magnificent Ambersons, Odd Man Out, Repo Man, 200 Motels, The Manchurian Candidate, Night of the Living Dead, [more]


No more - a scourge on modern life. But Tom Verlaine and Richard Lloyd are amazing (saw them last night 3/25/04). UPDATE 2005: Uh-oh, I've gotten sucked in - 24, The Unit, crime dramas (CSI, L & O)... And Southpark reruns!


America Alone, The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, We The Living, The Virtue of Selfishness, How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must), Dhalgren, Unintended Consequences, American Hardcore, Will (G G Liddy), Gravity's Rainbow, The Book (Alan Watts), Ulysses, The Illuminatus Trilogy, Magister Ludi, Mr. Nice, On The Road, Another Roadside Attraction, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, The Book of Nods (J Carroll), ...


Oh, please