Hey whats up I guess this is where I tell whoever about whatever. Anyway my name is Sam I'm from Idaho and this is probably where I'm gunna stay. Yes, yes it sounds sad to some. uuum I'm not going to school right now. I'm planning on serving a mission soon (and by soon I don't know when that is), I work at a furniture store called Rigby Furniture. I'm not really looking for a girlfriend but I kind of am if that makes any sense. Any girl that has hung out with me and continued to...I respect very highly. I hope to invent something so big that I will never have to work except for days I mow my grandmas lawn. I love to go to movies with my friends. I am an outdoor person I hate being inside for long periods of time. I love driving around with my chord girl. My favorite quotes are "you are!" and "Your a Hooker!". Music is a huge part of my life and it will always be second best. My family is the 1st of course, women come 3rd. fantasy layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com