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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Katy St. Clair, and I enjoy concentrating orange juice. But other than that, I am a writer who writes things that are supposed to be journalism but are actually the masturbatory ramblings of a malcontent. My column in the SF Weakly is called "Bouncer" and it brings me much joy. If you too enjoy it, please do become my friend on MySpace, but PLEASE SEND ME A MESSAGE too. If you just ask me to be your friend without a message I might assume you are a spammer; in a shitty band that you want to promote; or on the make.Anywho, back to me. I wrote a story about how retarded people love Huey Lewis and it just may be my ticket out of this place. I am currently working (ha! right) on a full-length book about how truly amazing retarded people are, but if you dont want to wait-- ney, CANT wait any longer to see what I have to say-- I'd recommend picking up last years' Da Capo Best Music Writing Of The Year edited by Mary Gaitskill and in that thing you will find my Huey story. I also recommend the stories in there about Bushwick Bill and christian rock.I work at Thee Parkside which keeps me in touch with the young folk, and I have gotten my old job at Amoeba back...only this time I helping them write their online music encyclopedia.I recently finished a story about Abba and the Bee Gees, and the bloody fued betwixt Benny and Barry, for a book about rock n roll rivalries called Rock and Roll Cagematch: Music's Greatest Rivalries Decided. In October I will be making a second appearance at Litquake for their music writer's showcase. Show up n' heckle!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Someone who will recognize my Better Off Dead allusions.

My Blog

To quote LRB (Little River Band), I’m Reminiscin’

Hello You, One Reader:OK havent blogged for awhile. Probably because my column is a blog. But also because I just finally got the Internets back in my house after like a year. So, yesterday I was feel...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 16:48:00 GMT

Reflections on 2007, pull up a chair

Imagine, if you will, me sitting in a big cozy chair in front of a roaring fire smoking a pipe in my jammies. I am reflecting. (Perhaps you should wear sunglasses.) Here's what I have learned about my...
Posted by on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 14:05:00 GMT

Gordon. Motherfucking. Lightfoot.

So I had a couple friend (friends that are a couple) over for Thanksgiving. She used to be a lesbian and he used to be a dick but he quit drinking so now they are both, er, dickless. Well, she has one...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 20:23:00 GMT

The Sisters Of Mercy

Hello, gentle readers. So this week I have been thinking a lot about the Sisters of Mercy, pretty much my favorite band in high school, though i wasnt even goth. I was East-Central Illinoisian funky p...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 18:50:00 GMT

My date with Charlie Louvin

Well folks, it couldnt have gone better. He was great. A real gentleman. I asked him about Satan. He said, and can ya believe this, that no one had ever talked to him about the devil before. Like no o...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 21:39:00 GMT

Long time no blog

Hi y'all...sorry i have been remiss. you see, i have no internet connection at my house. yeah its crazy. i would like to have put up all my bouncers and added witty asides to each of them, but its har...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 08:23:00 GMT

Groundskeeper Willie

Hi. I just got back from Scotland with my mother. We are both on Prozac so we got along really well. The only time we tiffed was when she was driving, god bless her... its hard to drive on the wrong s...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 15:40:00 GMT

Bouncer june 6, 2007 t-pop-s/ I am currently sitting at a ghetto cyber cafe in Oakland. there are hookers here, updating their CraigsList ads. Japanese music is ...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 23:41:00 GMT

I went from fat to fabulous!

So the Weekly wants me to write a cover story on my weight loss surgery. I'm thinking I will. It is pretty private. For some reason this is bothering me. However, writing about all other manner of emb...
Posted by on Wed, 30 May 2007 14:59:00 GMT

Bouncer 5/31/07

Howdy-ho, Kermit the slob here. This week I wrote about the Connecticut Yankee. I only found out today that it is a big Bay Guardian hangout, as they are across the street. I also went there for lunch...
Posted by on Wed, 30 May 2007 14:54:00 GMT