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Just close your eyes and pretend shes me

About Me

-- I c an on ly be me--
dumb bitches loose your shitGet Your Own Voice Player Manage AIM = DizOnTheGo
Im 23
and expect my friends to be.
If you arent. I prolly wont talk to you
I swim against the mainstream with floaties. Im as simple as the text on this page. Resistant to guidance and discipline. I am what I am. Usually too nice, but just as mean when provoked. I dont like to play fair and Ill never let you win. I get bored way too easy. I choose not to surround myself with stupid people, however at times they seem to find me. Owner of an addictive smile and an unmistakable laugh. Adaptable to any haircut or color. Traveler of the most random states. My heart always leads while my mind tries to catch up. Im a firm believer that everyone has the right to be stupid but that 99% of people abuse the privilige. Addicted to taco bell. Simply motivated but easily distracted.
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My Interests

What is butch? Butch is a slight strut to their walk, haircuts just long enough to wrap your fingers in right at the roots. Butch is protectiveness, and confidence. It is a woman with soft womanly characteristics and strong ones that society tries to reserve for men only, but is really about confidence and personal power. Butch is cologne that says I am not a flower but a strong woman. Butch is soft hearted, romantic, loving, sensitive but usually only shows that side at home. She will melt like a teddy bear when you bring her roses. Butch is a wicked smile on the lips that says you will be her dinner and be glad of it. It is that look in the eyes that says she knows exactly what she is doing and she might even prove it to you. It is taking great pleasure in using all resources possible and some never dreamed of to bring out all the passion in her lover. It is loving arms that hold you and the soothing whisper, €œI'm right here and I'm not going anywhere.€?

I'd like to meet:

If you decide to add me.
Send me a message introducing
yourself first. Or I prolly wont add you.
Someone who is set in their life. Someone who is responsible and depends on themself. Someone who is supportive and accepts that Im not perfect and that, yes, I do make mistakes. Someone who is looking to find that one special person. The one they come home to everyday. The one they wake up to each morning, and the one who's arms they fall asleep in each night. Someone who is willing to do anything for the one they love. Someone who will take chances for love instead of playing it safe



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***What people don€™t seem to understand about being gay is that you not only have to come out to everyone else but you have to come out to yourself. Getting other people to accept you is only half the battle, if that. It€™s about looking yourself in the mirror and accepting that you will never have a normal life, knowing how much harder everything will be but doing it anyways because you feel you have no choice. It€™s about growing up hearing fairytales about princesses, princes and white weddings, knowing you will never have one (not a regular one anyways), maybe you€™ll find some sub version but it will never be the 'normal way' and it will certainly be much more difficult. It€™s knowing that you will never be able to have a 'normal' family. It€™s knowing that you and your loved one will never be able to simply create a child out of your passion for one another. It€™s knowing that if you do choose to start a family, it will not be easy. Not the beginning, not the middle, not the end... Not that starting any family is easy but for you, starting a family will have many extra built in obstacles. It's knowing that you will only have a mere 5% of the population to work with... dating wise. It's knowing you will often be playing a guessing game of who's queer and who's just friendly. It€™s also knowing the discrimination you will face, not just at home or at work but everywhere. You don't have to be beaten up and left for dead to face prejudice. It will be harder for you to have close friends, you will have to worry about them accepting you. You will have to come out over and over and over again. Unless you are on MTV€™s €œThe Real World€? or some shit that outs you to the world... Sometimes I think that might even be easier, to walk around with a sign on your forehead that says €œI€™m Gay€? so that you would just know from the get go who will care and who won't. But then again you wouldn€™t want to be judged as a person based solely on your sexual orientation... So there really is no simple solution. It€™s knowing how much you will struggle. But also knowing the amazing feeling you obtain from your same sex partner. Knowing how wonderful it felt the first time, how different it was from your experience with heterosexual acts. How being with other queers was so great at first, made you feel not so alone. How lying in bed with your partner... just felt like home. So when I hear people say shit like this to my friends and I, I get pissy. €œBut your family won€™t care" , "You don€™t talk to your family anyways" , or "We have Will & Grace now so why is it still such a big deal to you?€? This is why. It€™s not just a sexual orientation, it€™s a way of life. It€™s a part of you. And it will affect many aspects of your life not just who you go to bed with.***


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My Blog

the effects of left over party balloons

helium Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by D|Z on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 07:04:00 PST

I wanna bite someone in the face!!!! mother *beep*!!!

Quicksand Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by D|Z on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 08:40:00 PST

right as rain

I love her   she is amazing   end of story
Posted by D|Z on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 09:55:00 PST

small update

so this is a small update. altho I cant say what I really want to say at this point. I just wanted to share that im dating one of the most amazing girls ever. Wish I could give more details.. but for ...
Posted by D|Z on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 03:55:00 PST

All I want for christmas

All I want for christmas is for santa to give me the phone numbers of all the girls on his naughty list...
Posted by D|Z on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 03:54:00 PST

just in case you forgot

I love you guys!!! Wish I had more time to keep in touch better! *hugs* PS I got a new phone number.. if you dont have it.. let me know.. ill give it to you :)
Posted by D|Z on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 01:01:00 PST

its december already

so things have been well.. havent had alot of time to really let everyone know that :) we are all moved in and such and its really a cute little place. Found out we can stay in the same house  b...
Posted by D|Z on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 12:04:00 PST

New Apartment

Me and Tam got the keys to our new apartment today! So exciting
Posted by D|Z on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 01:31:00 PST

girlfriend application

If you're a boy, title this "girlfriend application" and if you're a girl title it "girlfriend application". Repost this and see who's eligible to be your special someone. Have fun! Send it back pleas...
Posted by D|Z on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 09:08:00 PST

random moments from Cedar Point

So over the summer I took a few random vids. I wanna share them with you to give you a small glimpse of the past 6 months of my lifePosted By:D|ZGet this video and more at fuseaction=vids.individual&v...
Posted by D|Z on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 12:35:00 PST