I love to be creative: drawing, writing, baking, decorating.
I listen to Christian music. My favorites are Selah, Casting Crowns, Zoe Girl, Superchick
I don't get to the movies much, but I am still a movie buff at heart. LOVE mysteries, romance, and comedies.
Deal or No Deal! Amazing Race, NCIS, Cold Case, Monk, Justice
My guilty pleasure is Nora Roberts--anything by Nora Roberts! But I really never get to read anymore
My husband, Stacy. He knows every ugly little detail about me, and he loves me in spite of it! :) He really is one of the most truly caring people I've ever known. He is selfless to the point of self-sacrificing without the glory. He truly does things for the other person, not for the recognition. He loves God and he loves people and he has spent his life serving both.