Morality Conversation Clothes Cooking Dancing Design Sports Real People
Anyone with an Intellectual open mind who can hold a decent conversation. CULTURE! Someone who isn't too superficial & all hung up on themselves. Confident not Conceited! Women who keep thier hands & toes looking buff. Pretty Skin, An intoxicating scent of a woman's Essence. I Love that shit! Chicks with no Curfews! A woman who has a supportive plan & who isn't argumentative; so we can get this paper. Down to Earth, Good Looking, Lively. Someone who can travel at a moments notice. I am really very keen on meeting any females out there who are working or interested in the Fine Arts, Design Technology, Finances, Travel or Entertainment. A small tall order I know; but no ones perfect & neither am I. If you can handle at least one or two of these criterias than holla at a brotha!
Reggae Reggaeton Hip-Hop R&B Merengue, Salsa, Buchata Samba, Arab music,Chutney Anyting wit a drum in it!
The City of God
Tempo Reggae Entertainment Hype TV BET Discovery The Learning Channel PBS Foodnetwork
Behold a Pale White Horse Children of the Matrix The William Lynch Theory 1712 Freemasonry: the invisible Cult in our Midst Feng Shui Cultivating Male sexual Energy Kama Sutra
The CEO's of Meryl Lynch, American Xpress, both (Black Men) Anyone in this World who came from nothing & turned it into something. Keep on Keeping on Baby, Get money, help others; then contact me so we can expand it!