About Me
Amuro Ray is the hero of the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam. He is the son of Tem Ray, the project leader for the Earth Federation's 'Project V', which produces the prototype Federation mobile suits Gundam, Guncannon, and Guntank to combat the Principality of Zeon's own mobile weapon, the Zaku. At the beginning of the Mobile Suit Gundam TV series, Amuro is 15 years old and a civilian, along with his friends Fraw Bow and Hayato Kobayashi, and living in Side 7, one of the few space colonies untouched by the fearsome One Year War.Amuro is a talented engineer who as a hobby designed the basketball-sized talking robot Haro, which has become the mascot of Gundam.Amuro's early life is partially documented through side stories and hints made during the show and movies. As for Amuro's place of birth it is somewhere between Japan and the West Coast of the United States. In the series, the White Base seems to make a stop on the coast of Washington before heading out over the Pacific suggesting he's from Washington State while the comic book Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin states his home town being in California.Most of Amuro's early years were spent on Earth with his parents, Tem and Kamaria Ray, until some time between 0075 and 0079 when Amuro's father was called up by the EFSF to do weapons research under the guise of colony construction. Though Amuro's father wanted his mother to come with them she declined. The reasons are never stated; the Gundam Novels suggest that Amuro's mother was having an affair and didn't want to be with his father.Also when Amuro reunites with his mother there is some animosity between them. Once Amuro and his father made it to space Amuro became a social misfit and kept to himself. Through out the period of time Amuro lived in the colonies, his father was never home and his neighbor Fraw took it upon herself to take care of him. This trend continued into the One Year War Period... width="425" height="350" ..