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a cape farewell

About Me

Join and crusade this, A Cape Farewell.

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Member Since: 13/09/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Coolm, Sleven, Svensk, Nills
Influences: The sky is a huge dome of hard material arched over the flat earth. On the outside there is light. In the dome there are a large number of small holes, and through these holes you can see the light from the outside when it is dark. And through these holes the spirits of the dead can pass into the heavenly regions. The way to heaven leads over a narrow bridge which spans an enormous abyss. The spirits that are already in heaven light torches to guide the feet of the new arrivals. These torches are A Cape Farewell.In Middle-Age Europe, A Cape Farewell were thought to be reflections of heavenly warriors. As a kind of posthumous reward, the soldiers that gave their lives for their king and country were allowed to battle on the skies forever. A Cape Farewell were the breath of these brave soldiers as they resumed their fight in the skies.

Sounds Like:

Record Label: Baby Hurricane
Type of Label: Indie

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