History (any period, but favourite one is 15th century, Eastern Renaissance,Art Nouveau, Jugendstil, ) Cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Painting tin soldiers and making model kits, Painting , Making deco
People with more or less working brain. People that shar my love to vinyl and history,Vegetarians,........................................ .....................People that don t like animal, Nazis, Comunists, stay away!!!..................................................... ..............If you are from Luxemburg, especialy a band, and don t know me personally please fuck off or ask before, I am an intolerant and probably don't like you.!!!..................................................... ...............No marriage request please, I have no time for this!!! ............................................................ ...................... Don t add me if you do no inted to talk to me, I don t care having thousands of friends, I don t care at all about myspace!!!.................................................. ............................................................ ............................................................ ..Bands in general, no add request please, I am not interested and probably won t like your music, so this will mean automatic deny !!! ............................................................ .......
80ties underground music from all over the world. I love so many but these are my all time favourties that are the most likely to be taken with me the day I will have to flee to Mexico, and actualy not a contest of how many bands I know ( the superficiality of some people can be so anoying): Christian Death, Shadow Project, Super Heroines , Paralisis Permanente , Birthday Party, Villa 21 , Madame Edwarda , Siekiera ,Neva, Lucie Cries , Trisomie 21, Nine Circles , The Actor, The first Duran Duran LP ( please stop laughing, I can see you) , the first Depeche Mode album, End of Data, Psyche, Bonanza Banzai, and so on and so on...
Old silent movies , probably some of the best and most dramatic ever made due to the talent of actors like Conrad Veidt ,Lon Cheney or Antonin Artaud. John Waters. Movies with ESTHER WILLIAMS!!!(they are very relaxing),I love Todd Browning. Some Igmar Bergman. I don t like David Lynch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hate televesion, If I watch it, then stuff like discovery chanel or documentaries, but I used to watch the A-Team and V some time ago. Special mention to Benny Hill
Lieder Edda, Theophile Gauthier , Villiers De L'Isle-Adam, Nicolas Gogol ,and many others. Even if I have to admit that I don't read as much as I should
The Tzars of Russia,Jeanne d'Arc, Vlad Tepes, Gilles de Rais, Louis XII, Jan Huss, Dante Alighieri, Francois 1er, Jan III Sobieski, Ivan Grozni, Federico Montefeltre... just one thing, the real historical persons are meant, not any (bad) Black Metal bands