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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Welcome to a tiny piece of my world. I'm a visual artist working as a painter and photographer. Sometimes I like to work in 3D and I'm also involved in graphic design. My work often concerns itself with landscape - on conventional, microscopic, macroscopic and imaginary levels. I'm fascinated by human manipulation and disregard of nature. Sometimes i like to play with ye olde worlde photoshoppe and make pretty pictures sourced from my happy snap camera.
If you'd like to see some more of my artwork then please visit
In my spare time I'm fond of disappearing into the wilderness with my camera. I collect victorian taxidermy, 20th century ceramics and badly executed portraiture.I'm a big fan of early John Waters' films and other celuloid creations of dubious artistic merit. I hate violent dumbdown films with naff car chases and lots of gun toting action....yawn. Oh and block buster pouting celebrities are likely to cause me to gag on my popcorn so I avoid them flicks too.I like to keep up with current affairs, politics and what's going on in the world of science.

..This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

John Waters, John Foxx, Edith Massey RIP, Divine RIP, Albert Einstein, Goya, Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Fanny Craddock, the bloke who worked in the chip shop at Butlins Filey in 1979, Paul Klee, Judie Tzuke, Nancy Kominsky, Leonardo Da Vinci, Mink Stole...that's enough for now eh? ....

My Blog

Inexperienced virgin...

I've just selected my mood. I'm a mood virgin on here... I've chosen 'ditzy'... I'm unsure if I am ditzy as I've no idea what it means. I thought I'd try it, I'm a sucker for new ...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 18:00:00 GMT